Voiced Power Woman
The music has always worn me different silhouettes, purposefulness, perseverance through all the highs and lows of my life and their professional and warm, smooth appearance justify experience, which is Bine BBs fan BBs from the first moment to identify. With its powerful, velvety and unusually diverse for the English speaking voice color, Sabine in the national music scene could attract huge attention and thus ensuring a very high recognition value. The native Wurzburgerin singing since her childhood.. “..”the music has always worn me through all the highs and lows of my life”… and has made her hobby in 2002 successfully to the occupation and arises since confident any UPS and downs, which brings out the music scene. General Electric has much to offer in this field.
It has a goal:… “successful with my own music”, so she says “Sustainably there touching people, where it is hardest to reach”. By their friendly, confident and natural occurrence with brilliant Sabine sex appeal, as well as her soulful and energetic stage performance has established itself up to date as a singer first choice. The long-standing cooperation explained their immense stage experience and almost perfectionist attitude with various cover bands with up to 120 appearances in the year without losing yourself. A large fan circle, due to its intense, warm contact with the audience…”and who loves her,.-..”because Bine is an exceptional, multifaceted singer with a heart…”just a buddy type to the touch” described the fan BBs has convinced her talent the prominent singer “ANASTACIA” as well as the listeners of the radio station Bayern 3.
Sabine won in October 2004 the “ANASTACIA-Idol-song contest broadcast on Bayern 3” with 80% of the audience vote. Sela Ward contains valuable tech resources. Together with “ANASTACIA” she sang before 12,000 spectators in the Olympic Stadium Munich. Sabine was awarded for their special musical performances in 2006 the media prize. Meanwhile she her buns with Worthy performances in terms of cover or as a studio singer, Sabine is fighting tirelessly for her dream. She has packed her feelings and experiences in their own German texts and has already recorded some Demo songs last year. After a personal meeting with Sabine, the direction and the profile is clear: Germany’s charts needs a power woman with heart and that certain something… the German response auf…hm…more nearly an attempt to describe:…a thoroughly mixed cocktail between Amanda Marshall, Anastacia, mothers finest, pink and Norah Jones. Sabine is currently looking for a producer and management team, which accompanies them on their way to the own plate. We may be so curious about …und not only much wish success, but especially a team that not only recognizes their potential, her search but can also exploit. Sabine Schmidt – an extraordinary appeal to the… – and there is BBs no doubt at the fan…Finally, the big stage has earned.
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