The Tato
Through playful, brincante, creative, magical the experience, quanta thing ‘ ‘ sria’ ‘ , rational, logic, philosophical if learn of spontaneous form, combining itself of course to our personality. Everything this can happen when we read or we listen to a history, or when we delight in them in the poetry in any of its forms of expression. The theater brings the great one function of being ally to the process to help to think, to make a being to enter in the way of the reflection. The imaginary one is the responsible one for this special touch to cause a great curiosity. Jay Schwartz has plenty of information regarding this issue. The two together ones become great partners of knowledge, diversion and information. Who goes to the theater, exactly that only ‘ ‘ by chance ‘ ‘ , they learn, they teach and they leave satisfied.
For having liked what they capsize, for having seen things that had caused them great ideas, because they had moved with the sensations, the emotions and etc. The popular knowledge is plural, gestado in the collective. He is ethical, but specific, oportunizando solutions for social matters, but immediate. Directly on to the life, it possesss a practical character almost. What we can perceive clearly with the essential sensitivity of the question is that the popular culture has a proper way of if externar. To each time, each place, each group goes disclosing in genuine way the deep one it supports that it, and the imaginary one composes that it. The magic of the theater not it is alone in imaginary literary, therefore, the theater also it can be executed without an only dialogue and continues enchanting, because by itself the theater is proper the imaginary one, that makes to flow fantastic and the wonderful one! enchants the ones that speak and listen only with the eyes, the heart or the tato. Therefore also the imaginary one is wonderful and is for this reason that the theater lives in the function to make to think and for this it thinks about the conditions of the others, thus being, becomes theater for the special carriers of necessities as: deaf people and also for the blind people can themselves be asked: theater for blind people?
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