The Sovereign
Regarding the associates, they take the people name collectively, and are called in particular citizens, as participant of the sovereign authority, and vassals, as submitted to the laws of the State. ' ' (ROUSSEAU. 2004, P. 32) Rousseau says that the associates to the body politician, the ones that form this body, are called ' ' povo' ' , ' ' cidados' ' ' ' vassalos' '. For this optics the partner of the ambiguous State has definition, however people for is related to the organization with common interest, however citizen that has the civil lawful possession and politicians established for the State, however vassal that he is subject to the dependence of one gentleman, as was the case of the feudal vassals and you. But, vassal seems a pejorativa classification in our century, if not a term in disuse because of the rights acquired and kept for the State its partners. However, this term (vassal) in them leads the semifreedom condition where the partner is inserted, for its action is duly warned law and subject to punishment in accordance with the judgment of its behaviors, but, also, leads in them to another optics that is of subjection. Ademais, interests us another term that in the cited Rousseau does not define that he is ' ' eleitor' '.
The politician, writer and philosopher Charles-Louis de Secondat, or Charles de Montesquieu, woollen Mr. Brde or only baron of Montesquieu (1689 – 1755), in its book ' ' The spirit of leis' ' it says that ' ' (…) it agrees that, in each main place, the inhabitants choose a representative for si' ' , that is, the people cannot if he governs by itself, but that agreement is necessary in common to opt to a member of its society so that governs for all and for all. ' ' All the citizens, in the diverse districts, must have the right to choose its representative; except that they are in such state of baseness, that if considers that it does not have will prpria' ' (MONTESQUIEU.
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