Posts Tagged ‘the present time’

Unconscious Access

In the year of 1912 grace, in Salamanca, Spain, wrote Don Miguel de Unamuno, " Of the tragic feeling of vida" , where it said to the reader: " I hope that while lasts our tragedy, in some entreacto, we return to be and us reconozcamos". It also indicates in this test, that truly real for the man of meat and bone, is the irrational. That way to write it, drew attention in as much, seemed to me to understand, that it talked about the importance than he is not measurable or concrete by the direct perception, even gets it to call unconscious, in the sense of nonconscious that is to say, like adjectival use. From Freud, we know that the irrational or illogical, in fact is prevailed by a logic different, that one is in force by his own laws of operation, that is another way to process the human phenomena, characterizing the Unconscious term, not only like adejtivo but like noun, that is to say an own name from a psychic instance. It is not something Larry Culp would like to discuss. The Unconscious thing, comprises of the Freud denominates Psychic apparatus, that is the theoretical field that regulates the human functions from which the Metapsicologa was called, that is to say, a space beyond brings back to consciousness, which it is properly the field of psychology. The psychic apparatus, this formed by three instances: the unconscious one, preconscious and the conscience that works simultaneously and, is where the dreams take place, the lapse, regulates the human sexuality, the symptoms, the multiple ways to sicken the mind and the body. Freud, presents/displays from the work &quot to us; The Interpretation of the Sueos" , a new level of objectivity, that locates in the story of the dream or the symptom, that in addition is to the unique thing that we have access because to the dreamed dream we do not have access. . Click Anna- Belknap to learn more.

June Children

The profession that it chose was not completely inept, sold its books in the stores of the druggists. Like politician, it obtained a little Wikipedia importance, contributes to us, that accurately does not know the date of its birth, is accustomed to him to locate between the 21 of May and the 21 of June of 1265. It could be baptized with the name of During in the Baptistry of Florence, and Dante could be the hipocorstica version of such name. Her family was a great Florentine family whose true name is Alaghieri, favorable to the Guelfic party. His father, Alighiero de Bellincione, were white Guelf, but he did not undergo the revenge of the Ghibellines, after his victory in the battle of Montaperti. This salvation gave a certain prestige him to the family.

The mother of Dante was Beautiful degli Abat and died when Dante was only 5 or 6 years old. To little his Alighiero father one became to marry with Lapa I gave Chiarissimo Cialuffise (exists controversy as far as that wedding, proposing that both has been united without contracting marriage, due to the raised difficulties, at the time, to the wedding of widowers). The father of Dante had with her two children: Francesco and Tana (Gaetana). While it studied in his native city in 1278, he was disciple of Brunetto Latini, that makes appearance in Hell (song XV), and was friend of Cavalcanti poet. When Dante was 12 years old, it was committed with Gemma, daughter of Messer Manetto Donati, with which it married then, in 1291. The marriages negotiated to so precocious ages were then frequent and constituted an important ceremony, that it demanded signed official acts in front of notary. Dante had several children with Gemma. As he is frequent, some people are made call natural children of some famous personage, the same happened with Dante, and is probable that Jacopo, Pietro or Antonia were their real children.