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Dragonianos was an only race of humanides powerful, that they defended the universe of deadly races, and of other hunters of you reward, for example. However, in plus one day of battles, Ylumynasse and Locentery, the Patriarchs Patronal – that is, the commanders of each world (or each planet, as much is remembered) -, they had left of Ravhysnt (its world of origin) for other worlds; part of the family of Ylumynasse fought, but they had one day found enemies more powerful, and had an enormous spilling of cruel blood of its family through the hands of its new opponents. Thus, in the return to the Ravhysnt, after to have defeated the opponents, Ylumynasse was remained quiet, but Locentery wanted to know what it really had in the mind of optimum friend, however, nothing. Click Ruben Mendoza to learn more. Days later, Ylumynasse was congregated with its clan, every day and all the nights. Certain day, had a battle, where a sanguinria race possua one orbe that it gave to more power those got that it. Blind person for the power, Ylumynasse kills the owner of it, and divides its power with the proper clan.

Locentery, in turn, tries impediz it, but he is very weak. Click Gary Katcher to learn more. Ylumynasse decides, therefore, it is avenged of the Dragonianos, saying that they could prevent the death of sesu familiar if they had not had mercy of the enemies. Thus, it declares war to the old friends who if had opposed the seguiz it. Locentery tries to come back its decision, but they do not remain return choices to it, therefore it decides to free Ylumynasse in one another way without killing it and dying Throughout the time, day after day, battle between the Dragonianos de Locentery and the Paladinianos de Ylumynasse (as well as this it called its race). In the end of everything, extreme points arrive where in plus a battle, Ylumynasse and Locentery its Reals congregate all to be able to fight in order one to only leave victorious person – in the battle, these die at the same time, one killing the other; the Paladinianos runs away, taking the body of Ylumynasse and per seven years they are hidden until a new gentleman of the darknesses renasa and the Dragonianos prepares the son of its old master, Locentery II to command them, therefore the master, who had only can be this its condition of being a Haleon descendant, the family most powerful of the universe Through the ages, new combatants had appeared to try to bring light or darknesses to the universe, being evolved the race the new powerful levels This history will elapse from the recent age of Dragonianos and Paladinianos with the Legion Dragon and the Horda Paladina until the end of the ages

The Necklace

It is the third time that Gilda if approaches to the panoramic window of its gorgeous covering. It thought about if shooting of that height? It tries to say with its friend better, that creature to who Gilda always took care of in the hour of the misfortune. Gilda always had heard intent and words and consolation, was girl created in college catholic. The friend of Gilda if refused to take care of the telephone and gave express orders for its employees, will be itself the Gilda says that I am not. The reason is that Lita is knowing that the husband of Gilda bought a pretty one glue of the Bulgari celebrity. Who counted the newness was the colorista of Lita that is the same that it takes care of of madeixas of Gilda. According to novidadeiro the sister of Gilda was there and counted that Gilda was transtornada therefore took care of international linking of the jewelry shop for its husband, and as it did not promise to any type of gift jewel it to it was distrustful that it bought was for another woman. Soon it who if said gotten passionate and that Gilda was the woman of its life! Lita does not desire to speak with Gilda because if the things are badly for the side of the friend it do not have if to involve, therefore in case of separation of spouses is logical that it goes to be of the side that to hang the scale, that is of the side of the husband of Gilda that has much influence and opens all the doors.

later is better not if to put with people who are in risk situation, this can be as catapora that she is contagious. Lita has a barren soul. You may find Tony Parker to be a useful source of information. Gilda is in a despairing state, is if consuming, she is isolated in its room. It took a calmante. Without having with who to relieve, sleep is optimum of medicines. It badly caught in the ground and was waked up; sleepy the telephone apanhou, was of a feminine magazine that it desired to mark a section of photos in its residence to make a news article. It made plus a linking for Lita that did not take care of and came back toward the bed.

It was almost cochilando when its employee beat in its door to inform that one representative Mr. of the Bulgari, important jewelry shop, was in its library. Gilda was to take care of you in question; it was to personally deliver a case with the necklace that it saw the last time that was in jewelry shop to buy a ring and was presented to the such very valuable necklace. It was its gift of anniversary, forty years. Gilda made the photos for the magazine using the necklace and the photos had been pretty and Lita, that was disappeared the times, bound to know that glue age that one that Gilda was using in the magazine. Gilda counted the history to it of its encasquetao. Lita was surprise and invited the friend one beneficient supper that it was organizing. Gilda contributed with an excessive addition and still it received the summon to be sponsor of the event. One week after the such event, Lita was accused the faith to me. It used beneficient entities that she explored. Its parties were for angariar deep in proper benefit. The thing still walks rolling for the courts of the life and Gilda was invited to be ambassador in our country of French celebrity grife.

The Illumination

They had left the car with the maneuverer, who launched an appreciative look for figurinha esguia of Renata. It sketched a light smile. The elevator took them it the 37 played Eduardo. – It is the happiness, my love. It erases the fatigue, leaves the face without rugas, extends the skin, molds the expressions. She is not seeing? – I see, I see! I deserve the congratulations, for having chosen a so pretty young woman! – High there! You did not choose nobody! I was, that I chose you! – And you only say this to me now! – But he goes unaccustoming: our party goes to finish soon; we make thirty and two years the month that comes We are being old, Eduardo! What it will be of us? – Renata choramingou, continuing to play, while it asked for a little wine more than.

It felt it> will, Eduardo mimara very, in the last weeks. A light aperitif, a difficult cardpio to read, because of the illumination soft, and soon Eduardo invited it to dance. Two musics only, and had come back to the table, to initiate the supper. But the thoughts of Eduardo were not of a sossegada person, in peace with same it. In the second previous fair, Renata says, suddenly: – It knows, Eduardo: it would like to have a son! says with a smile candy so to it, with a so soft expression, as if it was waiting already it; without a doubt was ready for this. Eduardo trembles with this possibility, since that first moment. He is immovable, surprising the wife with an unexpected inertia, a reaction lack, indicating that it did not agree. It simply did not feel itself prepared. The subject was rank of side at that moment, but it would come back in the first favorable occasion.

Willie Nelson

Expensive, only has pretty girls in this place. How paradise! expensive, I need to smoke one established one. I go to arrive in that one of blue dress. It was Gergia.Jonas it caught the established one with Michel and it was in direction to the bathroom passing, propositadamente, for Gergia and leaning in the shoulder. It estremeceu. Simply inexplicable! It is certain that Jonas never was one face to settle many women, therefore was introverted excessively, although not to be ugly. He was high and blond, he had a privileged physicist per the 10 years of swimming.

In that height, in the height of its 19 years, he had trepado with only seven women, having been two former-namoradas and the remain prostitutes. A thing was certain, this cold in the stomach, that ran for the spine, it never had felt. It was locked in the bathroom and it lit the established one. The fedia bathroom already the piss. It remembered a road. The strategy was to smoke that established possible faster o. It was what it made, although that, when was chapado hardly to obtain> Puta excrement, and if smells is feeling it? if are all in the door waiting I to leave to give the instant to me? if.

It left the bathroom and it was in the refrigerator to catch more beers. It did not want to join itself with the two friends, only wanted to be there, taking beer and creating courage to arrive in Gergia. Almost one hour and after having seen it to give outside in the half of the faces of the enclosure, Jonas decided to arrive. What it could receive? Not? The life already gives several to it and it was there, fort. Ol, wants a beer? Legal this sound, n? . In vitrola it twirled a Willie Nelson, probably there of the primrdios, that little knew although to be adorador of folk North American. Gergia, without leaving of if rummaging badly and looking at, said to it dry: Not. Jonas turned over and was to the meeting of the friends. even so personal Vamos, I find that this party finished I need the telephone of it, some contact, I thought. Scheming the dawn all, he remembered to ask for the Aldo, if it had the contact of the girl. He bound immediately. Aldo, for perhaps, you have the telephone of that girl, the Gergia? . Is similar to eat it, n? But it forgets, the entire city wants, but I find that it is frgida or machorra exactly. All the friends already had given and of it notice is not had. The last one that I remember is that expensive one decided to spread lies on having bolinado it and it>

The Amazonian

The other next chestnut trees had agreed to the idea and had asked to the old friend: Lady of the trees, what we will make to control the ambition of these intruders being knocked down all the chestnut trees wanting to be rich? if does not worry, at the certain moment will appear an idea. Now they are alert. colonists knocked down the trees without mattering if they were wood to be industrialized or not. When they dried leves displayed fire destroying everything on the land alone sobravam leached ashes. At that time Rondnia it practically had security, the people lived as in the films of Faroestes, each one created its proper rule, walked armed in any place, killed the animals alone to have fun itself. The old immovable chestnut tree, with the roots cravadas in the ground, remained producing fruits with abundance feeding all that way passed.

The ambitious lumber already possua motion mountain ranges, trucks and carregadeiras etcs The poor chestnut trees trembled with terror when hearing the snore of the motion-mountain range and of the trucks in the forests, they only waited the moment to be knocked down and transformed into boards, palanques and houses. The old there immovable chestnut tree, heard a racket of human beings approaching, was worried. The man arrived well next at that enormous tree and said: Vejam! The biggest chestnut tree already seen in all the Amazonian forest, we go to rest a little in low of it and later we go to knock down it and to load the trucks for today. The chestnut tree hearing that soon thought about a form to stop with that destruction, whispering with the twigs the side of the colleagues next said: Children! The assassins of trees had arrived, go to prepare our fruits and when they to sleep, launch fruits on them. The other chestnut trees had heard its intently lady accepting the orders. When the men were sleeping a deep sleep to the chestnut trees had started to launch chestnuts on them. The terrified lumber were crawled, all hurt trying to run away from the chestnut shots, but little the lumber head advanced only saved itself being paralytic. This former, lumber one, a defender of the Amazonian forest became, counts to this history for all the people to its conviviality. Still he says that the chestnut tree exists ties today, nor a lumber obtains to come close itself wants of the place without being reached by fruits of chestnuts and onslaught of animals that if take refuge under of the shade of the old chestnut tree.