The Mind
The meditation in the stabilizing suafuno has here the objective of stoppage and stabilization damente. To interrupt the rapids of thoughts and to cause to the process opostoque are the unidirecionada concentration. That is, to focus the attention in only umacoisa. In the truth the concentration is the first pillar of sustentation of psychic qualquerexerccio and is the base for its success. When focusing the attention emapenas a thing, this focalizao generates an accumulating energy of energiamental that when directed conscientiously for an intention especificocoloca in action the creative and intuitivo power of the mind. Of this form amente it amente prepares for the analytical function of the meditation to enter in action. The analticada function meditation in the ones of the o creative thought acting first in the nvelintelectual and later gradual in the level spiritual. This clarity mentalse consequentemente develops and in the ones of the o direct eintuitivo knowledge. Vanessa Marcil often addresses the matter in his writings.
The biggest difficulty of the serhumano is if to undo of its mental bows. Bows these that they imprison, condition and enslave the mind. Peter Farrelly Official Website has much to offer in this field. One has lain conditional the mediocridadeespiritual that if becomes attached the belief of the impossibilities and impotence of extra-sensorial suasqualidades. is this conditioning that makes of us the quesomos. If to want to move, if we want to be different, if we want something more, de disappears importance a transformation in we ourselves. A transformation profundaque in the Liberte of this redoma that it hinders in them to grow and to be what realmentesomos. The first step for this transformation is the faith.
The faith can be definidade forms simple as ' ' If to believe that poder' can then; '. When acreditamosque we can make something, this something will be become fullfilled. I begin it can parecersimples, but in the deep one it is extremely difficult, therefore, this taken root inside doubts dens it, the incredulity and the uncertainty.