The price structure on IchBinNeu.de is simple and clear. Settings on the so-called product pages, on which up to five innovations of a product group can be represented, are bookable at 30, 60 and 90 days. The providers decide whether they pay a fixed amount for a product page at 500 for 30 days, starting and ending at 1,250 for 90 days, or whether they themselves pay by clicking “process would connect. Here, for example, for a 90-day product setup, they pay only 0.25 / per click. The click upper limit is fixed at maximum 6,000 clicks and then passes into a flat rate. As a result, the provider has always a clear calculation basis.
A high visibility of the new products is achieved via page internal promotions. WOW, real eye-catcher”is a separate area where only 20 new products are that change every two weeks. The product of the week”is on many portal pages for 7 days in the focus. From December, it is an advent calendar give consumers the daily 100 pocket money can win, but only if they answer a product specific to the corresponding innovation. We would thus reach that consumers deal intensively with the details of the corresponding new of product”, so Rohrl fame communications and target groups the portal so far about active press work at newspapers and audience leaves, about sampling activities on consumer fairs, viral online guerrilla actions and about circulation newsletter mailings by E-Mail at. Search engine optimization is top on the agenda when the creators of IchBinNeu.de. So, the portal presents itself after a short time on more than 7,000 Google indexed pages. With regard to the target group of our communication we have it relatively easy. According to AGOF about 43 million people in Germany the Internet use to learn about products on the Internet and we want to address that. These include consumers, the are both for “high-quality branded goods would be interested in or but just know, what is the latest on my garden or balcony”, Rohrl says.