Posts Tagged ‘home and family’

Vaccination Of Animals

Every person being the owner of a cat, dog, rabbit or pony, or even larger animals, think about how to protect your pet from dangerous diseases. Jorge Perez may help you with your research. Firstly, vaccination against common infectious diseases, which can eliminate or strongly enough to weaken the effect of pathogens. Secondly as to exclude non-communicable diseases in animals? These include respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, as well as other body systems. Prevention of infectious diseases is an integrated approach to solving this problem. Initially, it must be recalled that the decision to buying pet homes must be carefully weighed and then indulge in all the problems of cohabitation. A hasty decision could destroy the life of a small miracle, and instead of a comfortable place to cushion it can be in the ranks of the hungry, the sick and homeless animals. And if you all discussed at the family council, concluded in favor of the acquisition lump tenderness, then you need the knowledge for the care, feeding and mandatory medical receptions.

The first inspection in the life of a veterinarian is desirable to carry home. This is due to the fact that when you visit a veterinary clinic a young body of your animal is exposed to strong stress, which can lead to disease and In addition it is in the hospital risk of contracting an infectious disease increases many times. Vaccination must be provided by qualified personnel. Do not trust such an important moment in the life of your pet random people. I do not advise to do so themselves. At present, the immune system is our four-legged friends has undergone many changes and is sometimes possible complications after vaccination, which can handle only an experienced veterinary physician. You should not expose your puppy to excess risk.

Many pet owners wonder where to get the vaccine. In the city there are pet pharmacies and pet stores and many of them realize exist such products. If the vaccination should doctor, then as a rule, he knows how and what to do. Some nurseries carry themselves vaccinated breeders, and together with the puppy give veterinary passport, where there are marks of the vaccination, but there is little breeders who have permission to vaccinate against rabies

The Pearl

After receiving a colorful pirate party invitations, sealed in wax bottles and selection of appropriate costumes, the guests finally climb aboard the ship. At the entrance guests are greeted animators in costume pirates, who put on the face of newcomers akvagrim in pirate style and dress bandana with skulls, dedicating them, so that a pirate. The restaurant is decorate in accordance with the stylistics of the event, and also equipped with a set of necessary lighting and sound equipment. In the middle of the hall is a layout ‘Black Pearl’ ready to sail. During the event in the hall is reportage photo and video, work caricaturist, and interactive zones: Ouija fair ‘Do Calypso’ and studio ‘Pirate Treasure’.

Jack Sparrow and his assistants welcomed everyone and congratulated the hero for the day. Then with the cries of ‘all hands Top ‘team calls on young Jack’s Pirate climb aboard’ The Pearl ‘. Team Captain ‘unmoor’ and pyrotechnic bursts mark the beginning of an exciting voyage. And now appears on the horizon the first ship that is headed towards the East. This cheeky lodchonka dares to call the command ‘Pearls’ for a fight. Of course, we take action – after the real pirates never surrender. Pirates must solve all the eastern Tricks of the eastern command, and then give up the ship in captivity. After such an uphill battle team needs to eat, and enjoy the art of captive illusionists, magicians and a fakir. In addition to unfriendly configured ships in the seas is another danger lurking – a sea monster.

Wish Come True

On New Year's in Svyatka, a birthday, or just dreaming, we thinks of himself all sorts of desires. Large and small. Realistic, and not "very very not." And, of course, we all want to see those desires fulfilled. Even the most … It appears unrealistic, and it is possible.

In fact … Well, the easiest way to make a wish for the new year under a chiming clock. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Nigel Slater has to say. True, many of these moments do not make a, and drank a lot at this point are pretty. That's very true strange when you look at a sober head, desire. So, wants to exist to be true. We only need to correctly guessing. First – the general rule.

1.Nikogda in the formulation of the desire not to use the particle 'no'. For example: the desire to "I do not want to be full!" Is better stated as: "I want to be slender, flowering, attractive and charming !!!. Anything from this collection will come true! 2.Ochen important point – think about how this desire will be realized. For example: "I want to go round the world cruise" But it can be cleaner and to get an ocean liner! Therefore, the desire to better formulated as follows: "I want to go to a river cruise and relax …:. Complete the phrase other details. The more they have, the better! 3.Zagadav desire to be firmly and unequivocally believe that it will come true. No doubt this should not be! Just make a wish for a time turn away from him.

Gifts For Women

Some women prefer to receive a gift of home appliances such as coffee makers or blender.Podarki that are not worth giving Along with the gifts that women be happy, there are those who they do not wish to receive. There are not many, but these gifts in mind. Jorge Perez contributes greatly to this topic. Among them are leading cookware: pans, towels, pots, cups with the zodiac sign, etc. and cheap Chinese souvenirs: piggy banks, animal figurines, ceramic panels, vases. In the same category include soft toys – not all young girls have a positive attitude to such a gift, a middle-aged ladies, such a gift does not match status.

If a girl is a lover of sports and watches carefully for your figure, you can give her a treadmill, exercise bike or hulahup, but in any case do not give the scale. Remember that the gift should please a woman and remind her of her uniqueness and zhenstvennosti.Podarki family and colleagues on March 8 Choosing gifts on March 8, the men must decide what gifts to give family, and that the present female colleagues. Of course, first of all men think about their closest relatives and women: wives, daughters, moms, sisters, nieces. Choose gifts for friends easier than for female partners, because men are well aware of the tastes of women his family and always cater to your gift. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Larry Culp. Recall about flowers. This is a universal gift for women of any age and status. Flowers – a good gift not only to native women, and female colleagues or simply acquaintances.

Flowers will be a pleasant reminder of which came the spring, will help you express your love and respect. In addition to flowers to choose a gift posuschestvennee. For example, for a wife, mother, mother can pick up jewelry or jewelry, leather wallet for business cards, a box for storing valuables, business or elegant business portfolio pocket mirror. For the daughters of schoolgirls good gift would be school backpacks, children's books, kits pens, school pencil boxes, board games, or a globe, and teenage girls can give tickets for gigs. Female counterparts, no doubt, will enjoy a pleasant trifle, and "necessary" in the gifts. It can be tea sets, leather goods, for example, diaries or portfolios of business, cosmetics, etc. I am pleased to give gifts, happy emotions and a sense of celebration to all the women on March 8!


Traditions require spouses to this day to wear leather clothing or accessories. A mandatory attribute of the holiday table is rye bread, from which the spouses at the beginning of the meal to break off a piece and eat it only after This starts a feast. But in a special way necessarily served the first dish, “bread soup”. This broth with slices of rye bread (or crackers).

It is served to emphasize the closeness between the spouses and had come the guests (friends and family). It is a three-year anniversary was the basis for the signs: dishes beats, be happiness. Husband and wife had to break some dishes and not just broken, and so to get as much fragments. The more they were and the smaller pieces, the greater wealth and happiness, they foreshadowed the family. As a wedding gift for the leather between husband and wife – of course, leather goods, such as gloves or belts.

A invited guests give gifts with meaning you want (something embodying the warmth and richness), from sneakers to skin a bear. So feel free to choose anything that helps to create a house cosiness and decorate the interior. It may also be a family album for your photos in a leather cover. Or here’s bags, talismans, which can be put, for example, a lock of hair loved one for good luck and take with you when necessary to go far from doma.Lnyanaya wedding (4 years) Only four years of living together we can speak of a strong and united family. Flax is a symbol of strength and durability, which is why the wedding called linen. On this day, to decorate the house linen products: napkins, tablecloths, for example. Guests showered the couple flax seed mixed with candy, to emphasize the strength of their connection. Obligatory gift is a bouquet of dried flax, or a sheaf of small size. Husband and wife exchange gifts: linen clothing. And the guests give any product made from flax, as a rule, linens, towels, tablecloths, napkins and more. Linen products with very nice embroidery, you can order of machine embroidery with a congratulatory inscription, and you can order the inscription “Julia + Kostya = Love for ever” or anything else like that, then the heroes of the day will always remember the reason for which was made this gift.

Gifts For Your Woman

A bird in a cage or a sculpture – it is the best gift for your lady, if she comes from Switzerland. Reservation only, that each of the species of birds – a special sign, which she probably familiar from childhood, so be extremely careful with the choice. For example, a dove – a symbol of fidelity and everlasting love, sparrow – poverty and happiness, robin – Life in the long separation (because of the occupation, for example) … Traditional worldwide valentine – just a trivial gift, but also relevant. Another example of a spiritual celebration. March 10, in Switzerland, widely Mothers Day is celebrated.

Traditional presentations are, of course, flowers and sweets. Gain insight and clarity with Vanessa Marcil. It should be noted that sold them on that day so much that bakers and florists call this date the most profitable in the year. The best a gift presented to loved men and children on this day, Swiss consider dinner at a cozy restaurant. As a practical advice is to add: take care of booking a table in advance, otherwise the embodiment with the idea of such a gift in life will be unreal. Celebration of the grape harvest, Halloween, Christmas, Day of National Flag Day of St. Nicholas, the Escalade …

Continue the story of Swiss traditions can be infinite as well how about a present intended for each holiday separately. The main idea of my story is that the residents of this extraordinary country throughout their lives feel of a fairy-tale characters action and most of all appreciate those foreign guests, friends and relatives who know their traditions and present gifts to less expensive price, as dear to his heart. Simply put, the Swiss can buy other than himself watch or a pen and piece of mind – money can not buy. Musical greeting cards, photo frames with hand made, a romantic dinner in a tavern, a set of candles – it's only part of this gift to a resident of Switzerland. Main – to present his gift in special circumstances, with soul and sincerity in his voice! On that note, let bow. Thank you and see you in February, when we talk about the gifts the people of Italy ..

The Discussion

Step 5. Tell us about what you can see his / her needs. Acquaint a partner with the results of your research her / his needs. For even more analysis, hear from movie star. Every pleasure to be in the role of the star, which brought so much attention. Discuss with him / her the results – for sure you're in something wrong (las). In no way least do not insist on the truth of his conclusions. Step 6. Discuss with your partner the myths of society, hindering relationship building.

The payment and the myths with which we met in the 'mythology of love', tell about your thoughts on this and Offer to speak to your partner. Step 7. Discuss with your partner elements of destructive behavior. Discuss the destructive aspects of behavior, which we discussed in the fifth part of the article. Again, do their best to keep this conversation to flow into the discussion of who among you, which is characteristic of the discussion list. Step 8. Discuss with your partner constructive install.

Suggest to discuss constructive install contributing construction of the most harmonious and prosperous relationship. Step 9. Discuss with your partner the formula of harmonious relations. Remember, in the second part we're familiar with the formula of building relationships? It is able to give birth rather stormy discussion, if we consider it quite carefully. Step 10. Agree on the daily half-hour evening conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. This is an important final step of your long-term dialogue – proposal to make similar talks scheduled to continue to establish close emotional contact and understanding between you.

System Of Exercises

Children to become ability to identify the middle cell, middle side of the cell, it is proposed a system of exercises: – Put a point in the middle of the cell. – Place a point in the middle of each side of the cell and connect the segments. – Place a point in one cell in the middle, the other – in the middle of the left and right sides of the cell, are joined by a segment. In the notebook on the board and given a sample (pattern, which alternates with a point line). Put the point in the lower left and upper right corners of the cells and connect them to segment (obtained by the diagonal). – Place a point at the upper left corner and lower right and connect them to a segment. – Place a point at the vertices of the angles of the cells and connect the segments of the top of the upper-left angle with the top of the lower right and lower left vertex to the vertex of the upper right corner (two diagonals).

Introduction to the notebook in a cage can be turned into a game. Children just love when adults play with them. "Once upon a time there was cell – start writing the story. – She loved to dress up. Here she is wearing a red dress (draw out her cell and paint in red) … And her friend liked the blue suit (you can circle the cage and blue shade color) …

"In these tales, even toddlers can participate four years. Every day, work in a notebook and a little more complicated to six years it can be quite complicated geometric or floral patterns, and even plot picture drawn by a cell. Currently in bookstores you can buy a lot of literature on this topic, as well as the method of dictation on the graphic cell. And finally, another useful exercise to prepare the hand to the letter. It's no secret that a child under school age is difficult to follow the pattern, and the arm still is not sufficiently developed well. So they hurry hurry, reluctantly prescribe squiggles in the notebook. But if to offer the baby for a while to be sure your copy and repeat your actions, right down to the smallest detail, he immediately interested. Preparing to hand the letter

Postpartum Bandage Tie

Postpartum After childbirth bandage skin, muscle, abdominal and pelvic floor, which supported the uterus in the right state, usually badly stretched, they need time to recover the original tone. Because of muscle weakness abdomen in some cases perhaps the omission of the internal organs, the appearance of postpartum hernia. Physical exercise is not possible for a long time after birth, but this does not mean that the abdominal muscles do not need support. The use of postnatal ties beneficial effect on reducing the load on the spine, reduces pain in the back (spine tired of the constant stress during pregnancy and is responsible aches and fatigue), used for rapid recovery in the postpartum period and leads to a normalization of pressure within the abdomen, helps accelerate the process of uterine contractions, and prevents the development of hernias and their increase. Especially women need a bandage after second and subsequent births. Using postnatal tie obstetrician gynecologist appointed for flow of labor and individual characteristics of the female organism. Size of postpartum the tie shall be the size of your clothes before pregnancy.

If nurturing a child you have recovered more than 12 kilograms, then you should choose a bandage for 1-2 sizes bigger. Wear postpartum belt should lie in this position the abdominal muscles are relaxed and easier to fix in the correct position. There is also a form of bandages, as a universal bandage for pregnant women, it can be used both before and after childbirth. Such a bandage 2 in 1 is good primarily by its practicality, the acquisition of such a tie gives the opportunity to save considerably, because in place of the two tires (prenatal and postnatal), you buy only one purpose. Contraindications maternity wear tie: – inflammation seams after caesarean section – diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by pain and abdominal distention – swelling on a background of renal diseases – skin diseases (Especially pustular) ties that we offer in our store exclusively of high quality material. The products are manufactured using cotton, which is a hypoallergenic material. He also allows your skin to breathe, it provides you with maximum comfort. In our products we do not use synthetic materials and latex.

Childrens Theater

Benefits theatrical Joint participation in performances and fantastic pageants helps parents, caregivers and teachers for many years to establish close and warm relationships with their children, and children – to feel the attention adults to learn more about his talents, his closer friends with peers and enhance their own credibility in their eyes. A pre-schoolers and younger students, learning and the role of ‘reviving’ the doll to develop coordination of rehearsals, memory and fine motor skills, to cope with speech impediments, self-doubt and fear of public speaking, and at the premiere – get with what incomparable pleasure from the attention and admiration of spectators. The choice of the script – poetry or prose So you’re thinking about staging the play with her baby, or a group of kids. Now you can easily buy kits tales of dolls and props, scenery and quickly made from cardboard. But most important for the performance – it a good script, and certainly in the poems.

Poor text and put bad, and the prose is difficult to teach children, it is easy to forget and get off a good idea if you start to invent in the course of action, and more often – just silent and endure his failure. Poetic texts are learning much easier, even in adulthood – straight lines, and rhythm and lead actor, rhymes suggest a sequel, making it easier to remember and giving confidence. Someone might say that it is possible to read the leaves, especially if the theater – puppet, and the actors of ‘Cribs’ hiding behind a screen. Yes, you can be so, but go read some attention in young children – b’olshaya part, and the qualitative ‘revival’ doll it is not enough. But each want to play, and especially his role – like the audience. When the little actor remembers the text, he begins to think about the movements of puppets, is working better intonation cues and character of the hero.

He already plays memorized words, it is to get used to the role, and it is much easier to succeed if the text is in verse. Poetry performances are always better and brighter than its prosaic half-brothers, that’s why the word ‘play’ and the word ‘poetry’ same root! Find high-quality script Realizing that poetic script is required, you start to look for it. Internet offers a huge number of amateur craft, with the terrible rhyme, rhythm disruptions and formulaic phrases. After reading all this ‘wealth’, people with a developed taste again think about the prose. In fact, good professional poets in the children’s drama can be counted on the fingers of one hand: Samuil Marshak, Sergei Mikhalkov and Olesya Emelyanov. But the play Marshak and Mikhalkov – plays for productions that require a lot of the actors. But Olesya plays Yemelyanova specially conceived for a small number of participants in the company. Library scripts, plays and skits in offering you a library of about 100 scripts Yemelyanova Olesya on Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, English, French, Arabic folk tales and legends, as well as copyright fairy tales (Hans Christian Andersen, Leo Tolstoy, Aleksey Tolstoy, and Charles Perrault). There is a wonderful dramatization of classic and modern fables, 80, New plays, and funny skits about trades and scenarios involving characters TV ‘Good night, kids.