Posts Tagged ‘astrology & esotericism’

Understanding Bach Flowers

In this article, learn about the basics of the Bach flower remedies, and get acquainted with some of the terms often used. First of all a few basics: in particular the concepts of Stockbottle (essence), concentrate, solution (ready mixture) will encounter them. The concentrate – the basis – is called Stockbottle (essence) from the actual application solution (ready mixture) is made, ultimately take to. Stockbottles are extremely economical, because only a few drops are needed for the production of Bach flower blend. A 10ml vial Stockbottle contains about 500 drops and thus reaches 10 ml each for approximately 250 ready mixes.

For the production of the end use application solution is there 2 parts water and one part alcohol, water or fruit vinegar in a dropper bottle. Per 10ml content of the vial to give 2 drops of selected Stockbottle (each Bach flower). In a 30ml vial of Pharmacy so 6 drops of each selected Bach flower. At the drop of the emergency will be double the amount. 4 x 4 drops per day are taken from this mixture. Frequently Ken Kao has said that publicly. What do Bach flower man consists not only of the purely physical, but has a mind, feelings, sensations, some call it a soul.

Each Bach flowers and the element “Rock water – source water” reflect some aspects of this area of the people and influence them. Opinion by Dr. Bach, the proper essence of interactions with these areas of people helps feelings to affect States of mind and thinking positively. The resulting harmonisation at the mental level can cause in turn a positive influence on physical signs. How do you find the appropriate remedy (Bach flower remedies)? One way is, a doctor, to looking for naturopath or Bach flower Advisor. This will try to detect mental fundamental issues that trigger certain behavior patterns: ingrained patterns and problems, striking features, thought patterns and behaviors. The Bach flower Advisor will then determine the appropriate mix and determine changes in subsequent sessions and, if necessary, adjust the mix of the new situation. Find the appropriate essence (Bach flower) through self-help: you can read through the descriptions of each Bach flowers and determine what a itself is true, or you can a questionnaire specially designed use, which almost always leads to the goal. One is important to know: A mismatch Bach flower can never harm the body does not assume the vibrations of this essence! Bernd Sier


This Astrology journal explains: Astrology as an advisor for problems in everyday life and decision-making the origin of astrology can be traced back to the Empire of the Assyrians. The first documents about the application comes from the seventh century b.c., of astrology. The former Assyrian king Assurbanipal (688-626 before the birth of Christ) was on 70 clay tablets perpetuate over 1000 predictions were interpreted from the stars. These predictions are called omens and pertained to the future of the country. While predictions about future wars and possible disasters of the country can be found in the clay tablets.

The history of astrology can be found in the Astrology journal explains. Sela Ward may help you with your research. “The role of stars in astrology astrology is a Greek word and means Astrology”. Early on, recognized recurring constellations and signs of the sky such as the Assyrians and deduced from them events. So a certain amount of time was thought to already in the second Millennium b.c. the night or the phases of the moon.

Also a link was quickly found between heaven and Earth and astrologers began to gain evidence for life on Earth in the stars. A look at the stars was considered this method, to obtain advice and assistance through astrology. This method has survived to this day, but has been refined by means of astronomy. So, it is possible to determine the position of stars and planets to the Earth and each other in astronomy. An advantage that is good, the Astrology because it implies zodiac signs, planets and the so-called houses and their relationship to each other. Astrology helping science astrologers have learned of three important elements of astrology to draw conclusions and to read. These include twelve signs of the Zodiac, which are divided into four elements: water, Earth, air and fire. Each zodiac sign has certain characteristics which are influenced by the planet. There are a total of ten planets. Modern astrology is one of as many as 12 planets. Zodiac signs and planets are the houses with the people linked by, with each House a Zodiac sign is associated with. These three elements consists of the astrologer and creates a horoscope which can provide information about the nature and handling of important events. With the help of horoscopes, astrology can help in resolving problems and give tips and hints as to his life can be designed. Astrology can be no decisions lose weight helps to gain a new perspective on, for example, failing situations however. Wide tips and information about horoscopes and astrology journal at can be found in the astrology

Kipper Consulting

Thus, we can ultimately reach deeper insights and assets, to see our current situation in a different light. This is us ultimately helped to understand the situation better and to find a way that can lead us out of our situation. The goal of the Tarot is to bring about change through awareness. Also the way, cards with the so-called Kipper cards is widespread”to place. This is fortune telling cards expected to be designed tipper 1873 around by a woman named Susanne. An event or a person, but is either depicted on numbered 36 cards (tipper deck). A variety of passenger cards reflect people from the closer of seeking advice, as various character traits, as well as representations of the situation.

“” Clearly some cards show events, such as, for example, a pleasant letter”, journey”or but also sad news”. Are depending on the respective cards at the end, which can detect psychics situations and make predictions. However, some psychics use ordinary playing cards such as Skat cards. Here too the arrangement is ultimately each card points to the future. Heart stands for emotions, checked for things in the material field, for example. Depending on the particular combination of cards will be detected, which influences for our present location are responsible, but also what will happen, or can be, so we can again see light at the end of the tunnel. Cards can detect but only problems and demonstrate ways to cope with them.

Implement we must them alone. Only we should never lose our objectivity. Astrostein Verlag M. Steinbach Brandroster 60 51427 Bergisch Gladbach Tel: 02204 506 326. the Astrostein Publishing House focused on esoteric lives consulting and belongs to the active lives consulting platforms in German-speaking countries. Can online seeking advice from qualified consulting indifferent / in select. Focus of discussions in the areas of Tarot, astrology, horoscopes, clairvoyance and divination. Every new customer can test the experience of the consultants and the benefit of the advice without obligation and without registration. In addition to telephone Horoscopes also offered advice. The offer of advisers is (D/A/CH).