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This is an article written by one of the great art of seduction, his name is Neil Strauss in this world commonly known as Style. This character is one of the great masters in the art of seducing women, is the author of the book a The Game or more known in Spanish as Metodoa a The Neil is a great writer and his book is one of major source of information for those who want to learn how to seduce a woman, and I came across this article written by him. Briefly talk about how many men are so obsessed with the issue of Sargeo that end up giving up everything else in his life, for that reason lose all interest to women, since one can not think everything in life is linking to any woman were crossing the front. For this reason I also decided to put this article on my blog, as a tip for those who are starting and those who are beginning to see improvements in their attitudes seductive and are starting to have success with women. Do not give up other things in life, one of the great attractions of an Alpha Male is to have diversity in your life, that makes them more attractive to the opposite sex. Here is the article, enjoy it: yAlguna you ever noticed that there is something strange in a lot of sargers? It is as if we lay down a man, and could only say that something is missing.
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