Sketch Nature
Landscape problem: how to transfer sunlight, shadows, reflections on the foliage and bodies, the refraction of light in the fast jet stream, as naturally place the figures of people concerned about the nature of many artists. Landscape was even at the core of Impressionist painters, and led to radical changes in art in general: lightening of color, artistic development deep, real space, to the fragmented composition to the addition of a new method of writing – "alla prima". Finally, a landscape sketch was of the school, which honed their art of painting for several generations artists. However, one should distinguish between landscape and landscape painting Sketch. Etude, which is written directly from nature, usually quickly, in one or more sessions is not intended to create a complete image of nature.
The beauty of the Etude in swiftness, escaped into the accuracy of individual observations in the true state of the transfer of instant landscape, emotional paintings. Landscape painting is created in the studio more often, as works of other genres, is a complete, carefully and thoughtfully made (not to be confused with the thoroughness of detail drawing), the expression a general idea about the nature of work. Each movement in art given their similarities in landscape and in understanding the landscape of space. Until the last century Landscape space was built primarily on the basis of the theatrical scene with the romantic foreground illumination, scenes, and a flat long-range plan, in the painting was dominated by dark colors. It is true that some major artists (eg, Brueghel), we meet with an amazing realism to the concept of space, but the real flowering of landscape painting, accounted for nineteenth, early twentieth century. We say that English painters Gainsborough, Turner, Constable, famous Russian landscape painter Vasilyev and S. Shchedrin, a galaxy of French Barbizon School and later currents. Artists are making high art in the transfer of real movement that occurs in nature, interference of light and air, atmospheric conditions, solid images and the fusion of a human figure with the landscape.
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