
We do not delay to sight it, in the sundays to the afternoon, taking a walk with Miss Emily (…) But it had the other people, oldest, who found that not even the disgust would have to make with that a true lady if forgot that ' ' obligue&#039 noblesse; '. Click Brahman Capital to learn more. (FAULKNER, P. 213, 214) Understanding Peripcia as an unexpected event that modifies the normal route of the events of the dramatical action, in contrast of what the situation until then could make to wait, can affirm that the peripcia is when Emily if gets passionate for the Homer, making of this feeling the instrument to kill it, exceeding its social limits. We evidence then that the catastrophe in this story is the poisoning of Homer, since we can define this term, as Aristotle as ' ' a pernicious and painful action, as is the vehement deaths in scene, pains, the wounds and more cases semelhantes.' ' The catastrophe in it leads for catarse, that in the case of ' ' A Rose for Emily' ' they are two. First catarse is the murder of Homer, that clean the honor of Emily.

Already second it is the proper death of the tragic heroine, bringing for the society the purificao: Alive, Miss Emily is a tradition, a duty and an annoyance: species of hereditary obligation, weighing on the city (…) (FAULKNER, P. 209) Already the heading of this tragic text make reference to reference the theater. Aristotle, in book IV of its Poetical one, appraises the tragedy as the mimeses of an action of raised character, executed for actors. Miss Emily of this form can be considered a shining actress, who played its role very well, deceiving all of the society, the choir and the reader. From there the reason of the heading: ' ' A Rose for Emily' '. If the actress plays its role in majestical way receives a rose, symbolizing its great performance.

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