Europe Historical
Congregated I appeal for it the religion, men and women of all the regions of the Europe had acquired from sc. X the conscience to form an only people, an entity that it intended to espelhar and to configure the celestial order to the Christianity. The author insists on the necessity to adopt an attitude of submission to documents and alert on the fact of preconceptions and anacronismo they can distort the results of the research and that to emphasize the requirement of the allegiance to the sources, he does not want to say I officiate that it of the historian is mere passive or receptive, and that the historian has the task to make the studied document to speak, exactly that the analyzed material seems little eloquent, fits the historian to take off the greater number of information. Being thus, the historical documentation can be considered an inexhaustible source of knowledge and if interrogated well it can get new information. One of the firing pins of this renewal was Tohan Huzinga, that has 70 years when the historical research if limited the subject politician and economic it looked for to describe ideas, the feelings and the forms of thoughts of the medieval man. The historical documents are ' ' certifications of the man experience and passado' ' as such also request that the experience human being who reads who them, she enters in game to be understood. The value of the historical knowledge is directly function of interior wealth, of the spirit opening and of the magnanidade of it elaborated who it. The historian must be first of everything, a man fully opened to whom he human being. The historical research is one dialogues with the past, it is in this tension the same enters and the other that the knowledge of the humanity oldest can continue to enrich our existence in a century where the anxiety of the man is born of questioning of all its basic references, ' ' therefore the history of escreve' ' , supporting itself at the same time in the presence of the memory of the past and in the understanding of in the distance that it exists between last and present.
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