Enjoying Videos
Also there is a wj – werid jump, hj – high jump, StandUpBhop, and many others. What are these 'jump'y'? lj is the long jump, the most important leap. It can be done using Streif and peredviganiem mouse. So do not understand, watch the video. cj – Count jump. Jump is performed through a small barrier.
Watch the video training video can be view novotsi site bj – Bhop jump, it raspryg, . Accomplished with the help of a jump, jump zabinded a mouse button or the scroll wheel in important Streif Watch the video training. Videos can be viewed in novotsi site I have told you and showed the most important leaps in cs 1.6. To learn how to do other kinds of jumps, you go in the search engine and look for yourself. 4. How to jump from a height, that life does not take away. There are many ways to jump from a height that would Surveillance Survey, Life does not take away. I will tell you almost all the modes.
Jump up the stairs: If you jump from any height and land is not on the floor and the stairs, your life will remain the same, and not subtracted. It's important not to jump off the ladder. Bug jump: Jump from any height at any locality that does not numb life, a jump is performed by using jump & duck Watch the video training videos can be viewed in novotsi site Wall bug: bug walls, which do not take away life. Jump done with the buttons a, s, d, w Edge Bug Jump: Enjoying Videos can be viewed in novotsi site Also there are many other ways to jump without taking life, such as jumping on the 'grass'. 5. Some words hide n seek and what they mean runner – someone who runs counter to the terrorists did not stop, so to speak is not playing with the enemy, run away immediately from the danger, with no no adrenaline blocker – Blocker, whoever naroshno specifically blocks the stairs, a place where you use the Long Jump. If you block the opponent can not get here before the blocker, and dies before section. camp – camper, Camper, the one who sits quietly, that he had not killed like a rat, but kamperstvo not prohibited.
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