Culture Inheritances
A few days ago it was giving to lesson on the globalization and its influence in the process of loss of the cultural identity. Cultural inheritances that our country and grandmothers admired as the beliefs, the habits of cantos, the dances, the artistic degustation of the Land, come losing force for a new culture that many of the times we are unaware of. In the debate I was contemplated a critical one that my pupil carried through on this process of loss of cultural identity, the example displayed for the same, was regarding the explosion of foreign musics in our country, cause that must be well clearly! It is not that in Brazil, possua musicians good not to gain ' ' Oscar' ' , with letters and symphonies that transmit the feeling and the espiritualidade human being of the Brazilians, more we have an adolescent mass mainly that they opt to hearing musics that degrade its image and that it uses the body for I stated something. One notices, therefore, that the Brazilian population, lives a cultural crisis. But it must is clearly that it parcels out of this cultural loss is caused by lack of access to essential the cultural goods for the process of cultural belonging, as the readings of books, the access to the cinemas and the theaters. To demystify the culture lack that my pupil commented, needs to become accessible some cultural equipment, as the boarded ones previously, and to develop one practical of visit the libraries, parks and to reinventar old musics that had served of identity for many Brazilians, ei we go even so That to wait it is not to know. Who knows makes the hour. it does not wait to happen..
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