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Porter Collection

The new La Perla Pret a Porter collection: since a few days in the La Perla online boutique: the latest collection by La Perla Pret a Porter Bologna, April 07, 2009 – the new La Perla Pret a Porter spring/summer collection 2009 opts for a selected feminine style. Casual elegance with refined chic and classic lines are combined with precious details such as fine lace and macrame embroidery. Tony Parker wanted to know more. Versatility and imagination meet tradition: unusual and expressive models are the result. You may find that real-estate developer can contribute to your knowledge. The color palette includes shades of white, ivory and Ecru, which are in harmony with the timeless elegance of black and grey, charming purple complements the color spectrum. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City often addresses the matter in his writings. A selected feminine style distinguishes the new La Perla Pret a Porter spring/summer collection 2009. Classic lines and casual elegance dominate together with refined chic. Precious details such as fine lace and macrame embroideries are something special.

Here tradition meets versatility and imagination: the results are unusual and expressive parts. The world of colors ranging from white, ivory and Ecru until down to the timeless elegance of black and gray, charming supplemented by cheerful shades of purple. La Perla Pret a Porter comes in the Spring/Summer 2009 with a distinctly feminine style. Elegant, but casual with classic lines without refined chic: how the collection presents itself. Fine lace and macrame embroideries are precious details that enhance each piece. Versatility and imagination mate with tradition and produce unusual and expressive models. Color palette: Shades of white, ivory and Ecru, timeless black and grey, charming complemented by fresh purple.

All models are available in the La Perla online boutique: that 2000 is La Perla online Boutique In the year under the name of glam on Web opened the La Perla online boutique. 2008, the shop gets a new name: La Perla online boutique. The online boutique offers a large selection of underwear, lingerie, swimwear and outerwear for women, men and children. La Perla, Malizia, AnnClub, Occhiverdi, Grigioperla include among others the presented brands. The quality of products, excellent customer service and a classier look are elements that distinguish La Perla online boutique as the online shop. In addition a special mix of the flamboyant style of La Perla, always exciting news and fine seduction of fashion-conscious also just as Glamour”referred to. La Perla company La Perla is a leading Italian manufacturer of high-quality lingerie and beachwear. The international company goes back to a Korsetterie, which was established in 1954 by Ada Masotti in Bologna. In August 2007, the company signs a strategic partnership with JH partners in San Francisco. In October 2008, Jackson takes over partner the La Perla group completely. La Perla celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2004. The company focuses especially on quality and a wide range of products, which is reflected in the diversity of its brands.

Internet Marketing

Most companies began to actively develop the Internet space, with all its possibilities and shortcomings. If before the Internet was associated with a huge advertising platform where you can post information about their goods and services, today's sphere of influence the global network is much expanded. Suffice it to dig in a variety of services, and can be more than verify the correctness of statements: "The future of business – on the Internet. Here are just a few examples of the most popular activities in the global network: services to create websites, online shopping, search engine promotion site, internet auctions, contextual advertising, and more. Indeed, the use of the Internet in the daily work of companies tremendously, but I would like to talk about its impact on "the starting point" – the organization of the business. Frequently Tony Parker has said that publicly. So where do you begin any private business? Of course, with its planning. And in this issue to help the businessman comes the science "marketing, with its set of tools and tricks. Every self-respecting company, before implementing the next business project, be sure to conducting marketing research. This step allows it to accurately determine the prospects for the products in the domestic and global markets, identify the advantages and disadvantages. What sort of market research without the Internet, with its database of competing firms, on current trends in the markets about the preferences of the population and its income? The answer is simple – no. The next stage in business development – sales promotion. In this case, go to fight other marketing tools, among which are the btl – Marketing, AD-hock studies, viral marketing. With them, we hold an interactive dialogue with clients, organize and share sales, eliminate disadvantages of products, "build" consumer service. And once again comes to the aid global network: we use it for interviews, in order to send advertising messages to communicate with consumers and even for many others. Here so slowly, the Internet becomes a part of not only business life companies, but also a favorite toy most of world's population.

More Equal Opportunities

News from the Association of dyslexia of the BVL alerts Berlin lights action on October 2, 2008 at the FU on, that about 1 million students affected by dyslexia or dyscalculia at our schools are discriminated against and disadvantaged in their development. The BVL, Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V., lit 1,000 candles at the 16th Federal Congress on October 2, 2008 at the free University in Berlin. Each light should help that the way for more equal opportunities for Dyslexics and Dyskalkulikern in Germany’s schools will be expanded. We want to draw attention with the action of lights on it that over 1 million pupils and students who are affected by dyslexia or dyscalculia are discriminated against in our schools”, so the President Christine Sczygiel. In every State there are different conditions for the affected children, which take into account mostly unprepared for the handicap of affected children. Dyslexia and dyscalculia may not cause that to the Strengths of children does not recognise and promote”, criticized Sczygiel. Hear other arguments on the topic with Sally Rooney. On the opening night of the Congress, brilliant speakers such as Hans-OLAF Henkel, Prof.

Christine Langenfeld, Prof. Leo Blomert, and Prof. von Feilitzsch represented the interests of the affected children. For all involved, the situation in Germany’s schools is absolutely unsatisfactory, because the teachers are been empowered individually to support children with learning disabilities, nor provided sufficient support hours. “” Just we together can ensure that it again calls for light “are in Germany’s schools and every child receives an education opportunity that matches his talent”, Sczygiel. Who want to light a candle for the children with us, we expect the October 2, 2008 at 19:00 for our opening night and the lights action at the Freie Universitat Berlin before the construction of the Henry Ford. “The 16th Federal Congress with the theme of equal opportunities between medicine, education and society” should help help to build more acceptance and tolerance to the affected people. Registrations for the Conference can be made online on the homepage of the BVL, or at the ticket office.

The Congress program to the 16th Congress of the Union, from 02 to 05 October 2008 in Berlin is available on the homepage of the BVL to download. For more information about the Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. are available in the Internet at. Contact for questions regarding this press release: Mrs. Annette Hoinghaus Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e. V. P.o. box 11 07 D-30011 Hanover phone: + 49 (0) 4193 96 56 02 fax: + 49 (0) 4193 96 93 04 E-Mail: Internet: Mr Holger Ballwanz, Mr Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet:

Lose Kilos

As you are creating your own diet program fat incinerator, one thing that you should be thinking is on how to lose kilos quickly, now say that those who do not follow the structuring of their diets adequately not going to see the best possible results, and can often find that their diet is actually very difficult to follow. Although what you eat will make a big difference in the results, how you choose to eat foods also relies on the take the time to learn the best combinations of foods for burning fat, be sure that you take your progress up to a maximum level. Let’s take a quick look at what you should know of food fat burning combinations. Carbohydrates with proteins for early in the day the best approach with his plan on how to lose kilos quickly, will be along with carbohydrate-rich foods, and foods rich in proteins, on the day. Since this is the period in which it is very likely to be more active, to choose to place these foods together, as such, will ensure that carbohydrates are in fact used for purposes of muscle fuel. Adam Sandler will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Especially at the turn of his training period you want to be sure that you are taking in enough carbohydrates, so you must not skip at this time. If do you, you will bring discomfort to your results.

Proteins with fats later in the day the second thing that you should know what the burning fat in food combinations referred later in the day, you should focus more around meals based on proteins with small amounts of healthy fats. Thus, for example, it is possible that a breast of chicken with a salad dressed with olive oil, or that may have some salmon with some steamed vegetables and a few almonds. This will keep your blood sugar levels steady blood and they are no longer so active during this time, to discourage the increase in fat as a result. Make sure that you are moderating the size of the portions with the fat in the diet without However, as it does not increase rapidly in terms of total calories count. Try proteins with vegetables for the success of lose kilos quickly now, if you are someone who is trying to take his loss of kilos to a completely new level, then you will want to consider the possibility of some proteins with vegetables for most of their meals, leaving aside the carbohydrate complexes and dietary fat. Note however that this will be a much more intense diet where the total calories will be much less, but if you can do this for a week or two at a time, is a great way to really start the overall progress that is seen immediately. However, you must get some carbohydrates in whole period of training, because your body needs them to boost their activity, but apart from that, the choice to keep carbohydrates consumed in plant sources, will ensure honestly see how you lose kilos quickly. So there they have some key tips to you, remember food fat burning combinations. By linking appropriate types of food together you can dramatically improve the results obtained while at the same time feeling very well in your diet plan.

Philipp Sommer

In just 6 months: 330 winners with prizes worth 11.630 euro Mannheim, 01.08.2011. Since the beginning of this year, King is a term cookie for many Internet users. The young winning gaming platform from Mannheim is committed to the task, to offer new daily prize draws for visitors. “Themed game, fun and saying” find their new owners on the social network Facebook discount vouchers and other prizes in the 24-hour cycle. More than 330 participants could bag the Grand Prize. There is every day becoming something else and you learn every day new shops,”reported Steffi at Chemnitz, who himself must classified in the winner’s circle. The 50-year-old has already won a colour laser printer from Dell. Everyone has the opportunity to win something.

Who doesn’t, is their own fault! “, is the conclusion of the winner. The Mannheim startup come not only companies that start a raffle for advertising purposes, but also users from all over Germany fully at their own expense: from Kiel to Passau everywhere there are people the every Day going happily on his nerves”. While all ages are addressed. Also who is still not allowed to count among the main winners, yet have fun at King Biscuit. Not only the daily tension and the hopes are that long-term cookie bind the visitors to King. “Rather the user already received for their participation in a discount voucher: this reward not only made the 29-year old Susan become the loyal biscuit friend: King Biscuit is innovative and just fun”, describes the employees from Lower Saxony the profit game portal. Also the 48 year old Gunther from Kiel remains enthusiastic despite the missing Grand Prize: I am indeed an unlucky guy, in there but only because the fun and joy. Sometime you win what.

There you must stay tuned easily.” King Biscuit is simple that makes it so popular among users! Any Facebook user can participate free of charge in the draw. It appreciates also the learned clerk Sandra from Darmstadt. It of easy to join and costs just a click on the day.” The ‘ 44-year old Martina from Brandenburg white especially the fortune cookie sayings to appreciate right shared with other visitors after taking part in the Internet via Facebook: I find the Proverbs of the day so great, that will help me throughout the day “. About King Biscuit: the Mannheim startup was launched of Suleyman Acar and Philipp Sommer in January 2011. Themed game, fun and saying connects King Biscuit intelligent and motivational fortune cookie sayings with attractive prizes. Every day there are to win prizes as well as exclusive discount vouchers with a fortune cookie saying that each participant receives. The participation is free of charge and without registration. Anyone who has a Facebook account, can cookie Facebook application about the King simply and quickly take part in the daily draws.

Biblical Business Advice

If Jehovah does not builds the House, in VAIN work what the build Psalm 127, 1 God is a God of order and no clutter. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Robert Bork. He wants his life makes sense, you know towards where goes, you know exactly what mission was called and knows how to achieve everything that you suggested in life. And that is true for you as a human person, as a professional, as an entrepreneur, as a Ministry and as marriage. In this opportunity will reflect on the principles of strategic planning, but from a divine perspective, bringing to collation a maxim written by Rick Warren in his book leadership with purpose: not planning is exactly what plan a failure. In this talk, but not before challenging them now that, as said William Carey, hopefully God’s great things and do great things for God.

VISION: Is your driving purpose, your engine, which will make you rise your bed every day to work why you dream of. At George Laughlin you will find additional information. The vision is possible and desirable condition of you as a person, of his firm, his Ministry (a company) in a future determined (in five, ten, fifteen, twenty years). It is a workable dream. Son of man, behold, of the House of Israel say: the vision that this view is for many days, for distant times prophesied this. Ezekiel 12, 27 then Jehovah came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood at the door of the Tabernacle, and called Aaron and Mary; and they went out both. And he said to them: hear now my words. When among you Prophet of the Lord, him 1417 in vision, in dreams I will speak with him. Numbers 12, 5 to 6 a Vision statement should answer the basic question: what do we want to become?, for your home or Ministry question is what wants God that come to be? Let us remember the divine maxim: where there is no vision (from Greek kjazon, vista ((mentally), dream, revelation, or Oracle:-prophecy, vision) the people astray proverbs 29: 18 (NIV) is only God that will give you the vision and the will be with Word of life.

Avenue Montaigne

A trip to Paris, which becomes an exceptional Erlebns the month of May is a month that is for a trip to Paris as created. You are planning a visit to Paris, to your future wife in a romantic context to make a marriage proposal, to spend your honeymoon or just for a short holiday. Visit Related Group for more clarity on the issue. PALIMA Paris can re-organise your stay according to your special wishes. A limousine pick you up from the airport. Sally Rooney understands that this is vital information. We book a romantic or design hotel with Spa, a candle-light dinner on the Seine, the Eiffel Tower or in a gourmet restaurant. As tourist features, we suggest a ride with horse-drawn carriage through Paris, the overflying of Paris and Versailles in the helicopter, a trip to the castles of the Loire. Glenn Dubin, New York City addresses the importance of the matter here. Our VIP limousine service is available for you and you can do all day (if necessary with a personal shopper for the best Paris addresses are no secret) and accompany the evening: shopping in the big department stores, the luxury boutiques of Avenue Montaigne and the Faubourg Saint-Honore as well as all inside addresses in Paris, to restaurants and other events. More information and details on our Web page: (we speak fluent German, English and French) Gabriele MICHEL

Profitable Business

At all times, many people lured the sea. Surrounded by some romantic aura, it gave people at one time, without which they now see no meaning in life, joined the sea and many single people, chaining him to their strong bonds of love, born in the depths of the sea. Cut surface of the sea on the private yacht is now able to either. And there's no need to buy it. Yacht and boat sales long ago turned into a business, a rapidly developing urban with ports.

This is a profitable business that has become something which is not only a place of hire expensive vessels, but also a school for the preparation of the crew. In our time too, a long-standing dream come true of many – in the midst of an infinite sea snow-white boat, from which the blinding brightness of fish. In this respect, interesting Russian city of Vladivostok, the Sea of Japan port, a business card is the selling of yachts and rental boats. George Laughlin is actively involved in the matter. Trolling Vladivostok interesting because it is fairly easy to rent a boat for fishing on the high seas: there will always be free boats and yachts that offer to rent a lot in this specialized companies and organizations. Evidence that not only the sale of yachts and boats rental beckons in this region every year, many travelers – an exciting tour of Vladivostok. Excursions in Vladivostok make bored of this city from the sea is at train station or airport, but my heart will pray come here! Rich in this jewel of Primorye and B & Bs, resorts and motels. Hostels in Vladivostok are developing in our time is extremely fast, since the development of tourism in region this trend is dominant. Feature of the recreational facilities of Vladivostok is that they are almost all built on green field (in particular, in such a zone in the Bay Round located hostel "Rayteks"), which in itself offers a significant health effects on humans. On a sheet of paper is impossible to enumerate the wealth of Vladivostok, and its cultural and historical heritage can be realized only by taking up residence in this amazing city.

Old Mining

Saxon mining calendar shed new light on the history of miners and smelters the “Original Saxon Mining Calendar” has been covering various from topics from the history of the regional mining industry for 18 years. Visit David Souter for more clarity on the issue. No. other format has so far been continuously presenting ever newer aspects of Saxony’s most prominent cultural asset. The publishers Jens Kugler, Rene Konig and Dr. Rudolf Storr of offer their latest edition under the headline “Traditionals of Saxon Mining 2011” (ISBN-13: 978-3981356540). Margaret Loesser Robinson is likely to agree.

Alongside exclusive archive photos the twelve calendar sheets illustrate lyrics and traditional from the Saxon mining industry’s oral culture. A strictly limited special edition of the calendar “mining motif on German emergency money 2011” (ISBN-13: 978-3981356557) wants to accompany the release of this historical calendar. In German terminology, the word “Bergreyhen” is referenced as umbrella term for the more than 500 years old musical culture of the Saxon Ore mountains. Other leaders such as Glenn Dubin, New York City offer similar insights. A Saxon miners’ rite of the early 16th century, for example, asked every shift’s foreman to other workers to be bind singers for the included shift. A first “mining Singers order”ruled the musical accompaniment of this cultural asset during the 17th century. Traditionally, these songs address topics such as a miner of professional pride but so dangers and burdens of the mining work.

Despite employing various musical means, all of the lyrics identify the mining industry’s professional idioms. The most important and the most popular of these are collected in “Traditionals of Saxon Mining 2011”. On the pages of this publication, the lyrics of traditional mining songs are presented alongside exclusive contemporary footage from the regional archives. In this way, the calendar manages to connect the mining industries of the past with the present ones. “Folk of Saxon mining 2011” casts new light on the history of Saxon miners and smelters. The calendar provides to insight into the historical world of day-to-day work in the mines and visualizes continuities in presenting newly discovered records from the photo archives. The exclusive photos show unseen motives from Saxony’s old mining activities, for example from the mining districts of Freiberg, Freiberg, Schneeberg and other mining galleries. All of the photos are solely used for this calendar and indicated be found in any other publication. A further detail of the mining history is uncovered by the strictly limited calendar “mining motif on German emergency money 2011”. On 12 sheets the publication illustrates the various motives of historical mining activities that were used as images on German emergency money during the 1920s depression. Both wall calendars are now available. Company profile: Moxxo exhibition and communication design is a design agency based in Chemnitz.

Search Training

By: Oscar RossignoliDirector of any company is armored. All the companies have faced and continue to face moments of crisis and with a media training you can anticipate: knowing your risks, you can respond appropriately to these. As part of the crisis management, training and training for managers of public relations, spokesmen for the company and directors of corporate communication becomes an important tool of communication. Training for spokespersons helps companies executives to communicate better and get to know the secrets of the mass media with practices of interviews on television, radio, press and appearances and delivery of statements, as part of crisis management and media management. In the workshop to spokesmen preparing to officials of companies to have a better performance in a presentation or media interview, overlooking what he says and how says it. Through hands-on activities and simulations of actual cases in these trainings are Search the spokespersons for the company to achieve better deal with situations of conflict and to express the corporate message of the company with method and discipline, without exiting the script according to the crisis management strategy.

What is it learned in these training for spokespersons? Teaches: to interact efficiently with the press. To answer questions biased and malicious in an interview. To manage a radio interview. To handle an appearance on television. To handle an interview in a written medium. To convey the key messages of its communication strategy. Tips to control a media interview.

Depth know how journalists work, what are your needs, to achieve a more efficient relationship. Why is that the spokespersons receive a media training it necessary? Because no company is shielded and you have to be prepared. All the companies have faced and continue to face moments of crisis and with a media training you can anticipate: to the know your risks, you can respond appropriately to these. Who should take it in the company? All those executives who have projection within the company and that in an eventual crisis will respond by her as spokespeople. A crisis management program must include a training for spokespersons so that, with method and discipline, to maximize all resources and remove maximum advantage in meetings with the press in times of conflict. If you want to receive articles and resources every fortnight in your email about crisis management, subscribe free from this link, or copy it and paste it into your browser, subscribe and start getting our e-newsletter today.