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Nilson Martinez

The most pessimistic thought that would wake the sleeping lion, to score three goals or more, and ruin the party. I was part of that group, but not what anyone said (I hope you have not this) and I put up with my fears in silence. N or had spent twenty minutes after the break when he scored Sucre. I saw my neighbors concerned: some clutching their heads, others said curses and more insulting the referee not to award a previous lack of goal. I could see some men as they headed toward the door. But returned because the outer door was finished beer. Later I learned they were from Sincelejo and they were happier with their goal to us with the two we had. The minutes passed and the tension was increasing.

The ball is rigged in our large area and did not want to leave it. Crashed twice in the horizontal and once more in the left upright. In addition, Nilson Martinez, a boy under, nervous, and very agile cried had saved us six times. "It's over time," said my neighbor. However, as the referee did not hear that because the match went on. And Nilson should make every effort to avoid goals almost done with our rivals.

– AA referee ran out of time!, People screaming. And he said other words that are not related to memory dear mother of the judge. And against other female members of his family tree. The ball came back to our area in the last play of the game.

Husni History

Admiration for Carioca Tahia Great admirer of the lendria Carioca Tahia dancer, Fifi wants to produce a film on it. For this, it asked for to the Faisal producer Nothing that transformed the life of the dancer into a novel for television, in which will play the main role. The series will count the history of Tahia since the beginning, its trips for the world dancing, its relationships with innumerable figures of the world politician and the entertainment and as it finished its career resigning to the dance. Fifi always wanted to represent Tahia in the screen and decided to make it same it as a tribute to the lendria dancer, the heirs of Tahia had however threatened to process Fifi Abdo because of its project. Osama Husni al-Jiddawi, nephew of Tahia, threatened Fifi Abdo, saying that the inheritance and the memory of its aunt belong its family and nobody could use its history without permission. Fifi alleged that Tahia, granted permission to it before dying, but Osama denies to have knowledge on this subject. Acrecentou that passed the last days with its aunt and nothing were mentioned on any contract or agreement with Fifi. The actress Raja Jiddawi, niece of Tahia, affirmed that the family is not against the novel, but want to certify themselves of that history will be joust regarding the facts and of the great works made for its aunt.

It said not to import case Fifi Abdo or Nadia Al-Jundi interprets the paper. ' ' The thing most important is that it is a good work, that homages the great talent of mine tia' ' , it affirmed the actress. Raja concluded, saying that the thing most important is to show last the twenty and five years of the life of Tahia, into which if it transformed into one devoted Muslim one, remaining in house, reading the Coro and going Meca for the peregrination.

Philharmonic Conservatory Theater

And the man at the subconscious level believe in God, to ourselves as a piece of it, into love, in kindness, in what will be happy! It has been running for thousands of years and can increase to include the best, most pure, They build quality man! Working through the emotions subliminal music and songs are characterized by a wonderful benefit The same thing can make the music! But, acting in the same way through the emotions the subconscious mind, it has, inter alia, a number of excellent benefits. Thus, to hear the music or song, does not necessarily go to church (although the Philharmonic Conservatory Theater impressions can be multiplied many times over). Enough to include radio, TV, tape recorder, computer, hear from other people, etc. The second advantage is that the songs and the music people can perform, and even create their own, which raises their self-esteem. They see themselves attached to the art, the creators of beauty. It ennobles man.

Current features allow to replicate the best music and songs, enjoy the greatest creations of any fine craftsmen Finally, modern information technology allows replicate the best, highest-quality music samples and lyrics, which allows almost anyone to enjoy the greatest creations of fine artists. Limitations of music and songs, but the other side of the same coin, entitled "Music and Song 'are its properties, causing certain limitations and even dangers for man. It should be understood, to feel the encrypted music and songs, emotions, feelings, First impressions of the restriction is necessary to understand the music, feel it, in order to be able to fully understand the encrypted information in it, emotions, feelings and impressions.


Anschlussfinanzierer benefit from the ECB policy the ECB lowers its key interest rate, to provide the banks with cheap refinancing options. Thus, the money is cheapened. These measures are required to support the weakening economy. The banks get relatively cheap money and pass it on to the company. The money supply in the economy is thus being maintained.

Not only for companies, fresh money is cheaper by lowering the federal funds interest rate – even private individuals can benefit from the falling interest rates, for example when purchasing real estate or other purchases. Conditions for real estate financing in the meantime are at considerably less than 4.00% for an interest binding period of ten years. Is this a way to acquire a real estate almost to rental prices. But this development is interesting not only for new purchases. Real estate loans, which have only a short residual maturity with regard to their fixed-interest bond, can in this situation to favourable conditions extended or even replaced.

Just real estate financier who at the end of the 1990s have agreed to their conditions, huge potential savings arising. At an interest rate differential of nearly 2.00% worth an early redemption. Forward loan offer another alternative to securing the current conditions for the future follow-up financing. It already today signed a loan agreement which is only paid at a later date, for example in three years. Normally offered forward loans with a premium to the nominal interest rate. This fee is the price the Bank for risk requires, if interest rates should rise again. In the current situation is still favorable conditions arise despite these premiums. Some lenders even waive the surcharges. Almost unique opportunities to extend the expiring loans to top interest rates results in for follow-on financing. Interesting is also the fact that the deployment of the forward loan no more Costs are incurred. This means that no additional costs incurred to the forward loan payment. Thus, to secure risk-free future follow-on almost at a bargain price. Up to the time of the loan use also any additional burdens, which could restrict the liquidity situation arise. At the end of the original interest rate on the existing loan, this is simply replaced by the forward loan. This is no compensation, since the expiry of the fixed interest rate the existing loan completely or partly free of charge can be traced back. How long this situation with regard to almost historic low interest rates for home loans continues, can predict course nobody. It is just that with more appealing economic the ECB will again raise its key interest rate. So, she will try to deprive the financial system funds to reduce the amount of money located to circulation. This step will be required, a strong inflation to avoid. This will be relatively quickly, minimizing inflation the ECB belongs to the tasks highest priority in terms of. The ECB will try to limit inflation to 2.00% per annum. The increase of interest rates will be to what extent, is capable of also still no right to be able to assess. If you look at the speed with which the rate cut took place in recent months, one can assume that the rise in interest rates could be also relatively quickly. Those who play with the idea of ensuring their follow-up financing should be therefore not all too much time.

DigiGGV The Revolution When The Create Host Directories

digiGGV 5.0 a new software is considerably simplified the create host directories. The software developed by the macro House GmbH from Bad Reichenhall intelligently merges work processes, ensures a more efficient processing and improves the quality. This saves work and much time and money for everyone involved. The basis in which a host database stores all relevant data for the host displays, including full image data. In recent months, Tony Parker has been very successful. From this database the finished ads and ad pages are created then by so-called database publishing automatically in a printable PDF format to set ad templates. They can be created without restrictions in layout, format and content of the ads.

A special module creates an automatic page planning according to the sorting criteria laid down in advance. Only the image and info pages must be set to classic way. This means a considerable workload on the agency side, since the largest part of the Set work automatically expires. However, the real trick is in the Internet connectivity of the database, in the specially developed Web interface for data entry via the Web browser and the underlying modules that control the flow of work. Each authorized person can enter unless there is a computer with Internet access, the relevant data in the host database, which create each ad in the original, correct and free. The previous questionnaire is in this case the past.

That all host data in a database are recorded, arise from a number of other functions. They are executed through optional add-on modules. So for example the ads can appear very simply equipped on the Internet with an extensive search function. There is also the possibility of digiGGV with the landlords and regular newsletters, surveys, carry out invitations and reminder functions to communicate. New module digiGGV version 5.0: integrated Catalog preview the full dynamic catalog preview sheet feature allows users before going to press to browse the CDR””. ” Among other things, this helps controlling the display order.

Confess The Affair Or Not?

The question whether one should confess the affair, is not easy to answer. If the partner can’t forgive the cheating depends on many personal factors. A relationship can be so harmonious and happy, but sometimes, things that are simply unpredictable happened. A SIP of alcohol too much, an irresistible sexy offer and already it can happen that one does raise all concerns about Board and embarks on an erotic adventure. But what do the morning after? Many are afraid to trust the partner and to admit the Fling. ion.

On the one hand there is always the possibility that the cheated partner terminated the relationship, this can be the case if there should be a long-term partnership. On the other hand, nobody wants the party injured. The bad conscience is quickly overcome when the well-rehearsed routine again has the upper hand, and in the distance brings the date with the other. True to the slogan making the partner does not know it not hot, many Act. That however it could give a rude awakening, because any outrage comes sooner or later once the light of day. It is a really unique act of malpractice, then the card should be disclosed on the table. Rarely, one fails previously happy relationship, if the affair is openly admitted.

Who has decided however for notorious cheating and even more obviously looking for casual dating experiences, which has all the chances of the world, to meet like-minded people in the Internet. Meanwhile, there are special courtship, which specializes in “Fremdganger”. Steadily do their partner to cheat people who have this tendency, not necessarily to hurt them. Sometimes just the sex no longer is true but the relationship itself is harmonious enough and holding each other. The reasons for the cheating differ from case to case, as well as the consequences can have a fling. Our Web site deals with many topics related to the affair and the partner search, both for singles, as well as for people who are looking for a few new contacts. Contact: search a Voss Oak Avenue 49 26349 jade 04454-979609 press contact: Markus Voss Markus Voss oak Ahornallee 49 26349 jade 04454-979609

Hessian Website Award 2009 Awarded Energy

Hessian website award 2009 awarded the originating from Germany (near Frankfurt) company of energy and environmental technology Lorenz”an award on January 21 for your Internet presence. The duration of green solar equipment manufacturers won the 2nd place and thus the website award in silver. Nearly 180 website operators with their performances had applied Hesse wide. The website was implemented by the originating also from Grundau Internet Agency SOLEDOS. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from delta airlines. Was written out of the competition by the centres of Excellence funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics make Hesse and EC-M. The Hessian website award honours the best quality websites of small and medium-sized enterprises. The quality of targeting is assessed in the competition. The processing of the available information related to the products or services is just as relevant as the technical implementation of appropriate functionality.

The price should contribute, the importance of a carefully designed this website as an entrepreneurial success factor to highlight and to give impetus to the imitation. The company environmental and energy technology Mike Lorenz Grundau Mittelgrundau is a company that designs environmentally-friendly and energy-saving heating systems, solar systems, photovoltaic systems or electrical equipment in whole Germany and mounted. With the site, the company offers its clients and all interested parties an overview of the range of energy-saving measures through solar energy, photovoltaic systems, pellets, heat pumps, or cogeneration. The jury to Prof. Dr. Schwickert from the University of Giessen was a clear verdict: With the website energy Lorenz is a cutting-edge appealing theme. A good practice example of a trade operation.

All facets of environmental and energy technology are used to represent authentic expertise.” “The owner and Managing Director Mike Lorenz is delighted about the award: for our small craft operating, second place at the Hessian website award is a great honor and glory.” Realized he was Website by also dating in Grundau Internet Agency SOLEDOS GmbH, which was commissioned last year with the optical and technical redesign. The website provides evidence of how craft companies can use the Internet makes sense, says Michael Stubing, Managing Director of SOLEDOS GmbH, which is focused mainly on Google SEO. An entry was formerly in the YellowPages and there and again an ad in the local newspaper sufficient. Usually, craftsmen could rely on the mouth-to mouth. Today it is increasingly more difficult to settle over the growing competition and win new customers. Increasingly, potential customers research first on the Internet before they place an order. Who is not on page 1 on Google or poorly presents itself with the own Internet presence, likely loses a business to its competitors. Energy prove the contrary and as a handicraft company, demonstrated by a Web presence can benefit. Also we are pleased about the award of the company Lorenz, because it is a testament to our services, so Sandy finally.” As an innovative service provider, Hessian website award 2009 SOLEDOS GmbH offers a wide range of IT. We show you how to strategically use the medium of the Internet and more efficiently to achieve your business goals. The certification confirms our expertise, world-class technical expertise and professional service as Google AdWords Professional. Our employees have training and audits an official certification as a Google AdWords Professional”.

DSAG Investment Survey

Nearly half of the DSAG members is already building on SAP ERP 6.0 Walldorf, February 16, 2009 47 percent of the Member companies of the German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. V. rely on SAP ERP 6.0 as enterprise software. As a result of the DSAG investment survey 2009. SAP enhancement packages play an important role. But a majority of respondents, plans to play expansion packs this year. IT managers need to come out this year with less budget. The participants of the DSAG investment survey expect in 2009, that the scope of IT investments generally decreases by around 7 percent in 2009.

The planned investment volume 30 percent used this year on average for products in the SAP environment (software, hardware, services). Here, a considerable reduction in the SAP spending by almost 5 per cent shows compared to the previous year. Planned investment SAP ERP is a clear leading position. Furthermore, SAP users, mainly in business intelligence solutions, plan the SAP Solution Manager and SAP NetWeaver Portal to investing. Lead by information the question after the current release status of their enterprise software answered almost half of the members with SAP ERP 6.0 (see 2008: 37 percent). Prof. Dr. Karl Liebstuckel, Chairman of the Board of the DSAG, this is no surprise.

The adaptation rate among DSAG members in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland on SAP ERP 6.0 is compared to non-members higher. A clear sign that the company organized in the DSAG about the added value of their IT investments are better informed.” The assessment is reflected in the fact that at 44 of the respondents (14%) members for this year an upgrade project on SAP ERP 6.0 is intended. Of which plans enhancement package about half to play. The results show that the customers have adopted the SAP release strategy”, Prof. Dr. Karl Liebstuckel judged the result. The fact speaks for the acceptance of the enhancement package that almost 10 per cent more members than in the last year take advantage of the upcoming upgrade, to implement new functionalities (44,83%). More than half (53,45%) of respondents changes but as yet for technical reasons on a new release. SOA projects stagnate as the implementation of service-oriented architectures for the most of the DSAG members is no reason to carry out a new release. Although the survey, figures as in previous years, occasionally taken SOA projects, a stagnation in this area however. The DSAG investment survey is carried out once a year. In 2009, 313 member companies (15 percent) participated in the survey. The data were collected in the period from December 2008 to January 2009. On the DSAG the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. V. in Walldorf sees itself as an independent advocacy of all SAP users in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. The DSAG aims to create tailored SAP solutions. The DSAG founded in 1997 as a registered association is now one of about 2,100 Member companies and has worldwide established itself as one of the largest SAP user groups. Contact person for the press of DSAG Angelika Jung German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. V. Altrottstrasse 34a 69190 Walldorf phone: + 49 / 6227 / 358 0 969 fax: + 49 / 6227 / 358 0 959 E-Mail: Internet: PR Agency Michael Treffeisen verclas & friends communication consulting gmbh Gaisbergstrasse 16 69115 Heidelberg phone: + 49 / 6221 / 58787-31 fax: + 49 / 6221 / 58787-39 E-Mail: Internet:

Filet Tomatoes

Potatoes and tomatoes stuffed with herring. Very spring dish, colorful, beautiful, delicious and hearty main. Mustard sauce gives the potatoes and tomatoes stuffed with herring sweet-sour taste. Products Portfolio as always "easy" to prepare – not easily reach. It remains only to check the refrigerator, in order to purchase what is missing … and start cooking. * Filet of herring (salted prefer) 200-300 grams, 1 medium onion, potatoes – 8-9 tubers of medium size, medium size tomatoes 9.8 units, the average bundle of parsley and dill, 1 tablespoon mustard, 1-2 sweet peppers, lettuce and tomatoes for decoration potatoes stuffed herring. For mustard sauce: Mustard grams 50 grams lemon juice 20 (squeeze from one medium lemon) 1 tablespoon sugar, vegetable oil 2-3 tablespoons, 1 egg yolk. A leading source for info: Tony Parker.

* Preparation. Herring fillets finely chop, onion and green chop. Stir in crumbled: herring, onions, herbs and mustard +. Peel the potatoes, giving it the shape of the barrel: boil, remove from the inside, make empty "potato kegs. " I cut the top of the tomatoes and partially remove the pulp and seeds. Stuff the potatoes and tomatoes chopped minced herring, onions and greens.

Prepare mustard gravy. Beat the yolks with the lemon juice to Education white foam. You should be confident in the "purity" of the egg. Gravy is not processed thermally, beware! Whisking constantly, pour a thin stream of oil and continue whisking until smooth. Add the sugar and mustard and mix well. Put the potatoes and tomatoes on a plate, sprinkle with mustard sauce, garnish with sliced sweet peppers, and lettuce to your liking. Will guaranteed to be delicious! Bon Appetit!

Brazilian Empire

In the start of the decade of 1880 the referring to abolitionism campaign reached the height, in all part. Many provinces had closed its alfndegas the importation of slaves; but the movement of Abolition of the Slavery in the province of Grain-Par had opened them it the exportation (…), specifically in Belm was inside of a radius of action that infected the Brazilian Empire all, mainly in the end of the decade of 80 of the eight hundred. From 1887 and 1888 we find a strong movement pro-release of the slaves infected for the ressurgimento of the movement of unrestricted and unconditional Abolition that it relights between 1883 and 84 in the capital of the empire and the province of the Cear. The historiografia on this period standes out that from 1884 the abolitionism relights as a movement almost that I join in all the parts of the empire. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Tony Parker has to say. In this direction Robert Conrad it points some characteristics that had led to the ressurgimento of this movement.

In this aspect the author cites who ' ' at the beginning by 1884, the abolitionism of the capital of the empire took for the first time the character of movement of masses. It was to the emancipation of Cear, however, that it took the movement for the streets with a carnival spirit, that paralyzed the normal activities of the River during three days and that it created an impetus that fast resulted in the release of part of cidade' ' This euphoria that infected the capital of the empire was a consequence of the movement of enslaved emancipation that occurs in the Cear and that also it was spread in the province of Amazon. In Belm it could not be different. The abolitionists of Belm had also used diverse forms to contest the question of the Slavery that if he processed in the province.