Archive for June, 2022

Energy Saving Through Light Optimization

RK energy consulting further on the rise! Dipl.-ing. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Joachim Kress, Managing Director of Kress cooling vehicles GmbH in Meckesheim (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) is enthusiastic: last Friday RK energy advice was performed in the production area which FA. optimal light. On the basis of the subsequent measurement a saving could be determined by up to 36%! In this case, this means a cost reduction of up to 1,000 per year, alone by reducing voltage to approx. 185 v on the light circuit. Due to these savings, the investment pays for itself after just over a year. Furthermore the environment reduces CO m per year this but quite easy and clean measure nearly 3.6 metric tons. Ralph Thomas Kuhnle, owner of the RK energy consulting, emphasizes the here used fluorescent lamps are how also prolong life by up to 30% due to the reduced stress. This change intervals and thus also the costs for the bulbs, as well as the extends the actual switching (reduction of staff costs), which is not considered when some Bill! “But not enough: there in the premises previously always like to forget” was to turn off the lights when sufficient daylight, here 2 independent dimmer switch were installed, with whose assistance per year approximately 2,000 kW/h electricity be saved! In the course of these measures were also all lighting reflectors cleaned and replaced fluorescent tubes. This was a more than 300% brighter light with the same consumption!

You Improve Your P/L: Overconfidence And Disposition Effect Greed In The Handle

Basics of neuro economics and practical solutions of the mental training! 22: 08 08. 11.00-18.00 h, Frankfurt/Main Darmstadt heavy trader must overcome many things like pride, selfishness, greed and fear, to have success in the long term. In this mental coaching workshop train your brain timbering services towards mental top Constitution. Jacob Dilla pursues this goal as well. As a result, you will consistently deliver excellence at the highest level, turn off misconduct, and learn from defeats. To do this I leave to you, that you take the first step toward self-knowledge and reaching with this workshop. While the behavioral finance and the findings of neuro economics ruthlessly reveal the weaknesses of our brain we, accurate helps you mental training to deliver your performance on the point and get your emotions under control. Check to make sure that your trading success improved if you sharpen your self-awareness and look inward.

At the end of the day, you minimize irrational human behavior and professionalize your trade! Target group: Serious traders and investors, who have already experienced draw-down phase and want to make useful learning experiences from losses. Day trader and Portfolio Manager. Contact information is here: Jorge Perez. Interested people who want to leave the mental loss phase out! People who want to know why they hard to change negative thought patterns and behaviors, and want to get to know a solution from the psycho trap. Privateers who want to manage their money themselves and thereby not among the 80 percent of the people want to belong, which ground your account during the first 12 months! Can you imagine that a bad P/L maybe automated destructive thought patterns behind? The PRO-mental coaching methodology support clients to identify, negative thoughts and replace them by promoting positive thoughts. Experience an AHA effect and recognize that it is others just like you! When: 22.08 08 duration: 11.00-18.00 h investment: 898,-(incl. VAT) Where: Frankfurt/Main Darmstadt location depends on the number of participants. 2 days prior to the seminar you will receive an invitation with directions fon: + 49 (62 57) 94 29 29 fax: + 49 (32 22) 12 62 531 web: dates seminars mentaltrainer.php

Eggplant Quiche

The quiche is a French dish, consisting of a tart of puff pastry that added ingredients, being many of them vegetables. In this case we are going to make an Eggplant Quiche. Ingredients for the Quiche. 1 sheet of puff pastry.1 eggplant.250 gr. cheese fresco.1 egg.1 small cup of cream liquid.Pinones.tomillo.Aceite.Salt.Pepper. To do so we will start by cutting the aubergines into slices, add a pinch of salt and let them stand. We we will wash them and dry them well and we will put them to fry a couple of minutes on each side, made once we will put them to drain on absorbent paper.

While the oil is drained, we forraremos a rectangular mould with puff pastry dough, adapting well to the mold, click mass and will keep it in the refrigerator while you prepare the filling. For filling, in a bowl mix the cheese with the beaten egg and cream, salpimentaremos it and add the mixture to the mold that we booked previously, above the fill will place the aubergines, a drop of oil, pine nuts and thyme. Once prepared the tray, we hornearemos it at 200 degrees for 20 minutes and we will have our Eggplant quiche ready to eat. Find over 4000 recipes and kitchen recipes easy. Original author and source of the article..


Online purchases are a boom around the world, the ability to internalize on models and varieties of a product, and those who offer it from a computer is really fascinating. But not only for practicality that represents taking disicion of purchase from a screen, but also by the possibility of ordering to anywhere in the world, with just one click sitting comfortably on the couch in our living room. This advance represents the technological, in terms of speed and modernity era, also has a component that tends to be little clarity, for those who make a purchase for the first time through this type of systems, and a characteristic of this purchasing process is often fear, especially of placing the data of the credit cards in a Web page. Companies that are dedicated to market products via the Web, as well as those that are auctioneers of products, guarantee the confidentiality of the data entered, through the certification of the account and the data is they enter, for the peace of all users. But a point to keep in mind is the purchase of certain products, a sensitive or fragile nature, it is the reputation of the chosen site; Ideally advice to people who are already using the system and also which has acquired similar products you wish to buy. An interesting to analyze case is for example the purchase of perfumes, since it is a fragile product, not only by its glass container, but also for the place of storage that they must have to kept in optimal conditions, such as low-light, and fresh or well-ventilated places. It is always good to ask before you buy, will surely find a resolvent and friendly team who will manage to clear all our doubts on the other side of the screen. Another of the highlights when talking about shopping on line, is the subject of shipping costs. Get more background information with materials from Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City.

Coastal Winds Storms

The storms will be less likely in the West of the Peninsula. The winds will be strong in the Andalusian coast and Canary Islands. Temperatures are experienced a decrease in light to moderate. Without hesitation Ruben Mendoza explained all about the problem. A total of 34 provinces are on yellow alert (risk) by coastal winds, storms and rains that leave a build-up of up to 40 litres per square meter (l/m2) in an hour, according to the prediction of the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (Aemet). Specifically, Almeria is in alert for coastal winds; Cantabria, the three Basque provinces, Burgos, Soria and Mallorca are placed on alert by rains; Valencia and Murcia are by storms; and the three Aragonese provinces, Madrid, Castile – La Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Jaen and Malaga are Navarra, La Rioja, by rain and storms. This way, will be weak showers to moderate in the Eastern Cantabrian, Northeast quadrant, zone Center and the Balearic Islands.

These rains will be occasionally strong and they will be accompanied by storms, which, moreover, can be persistent across points of the Sistema Iberico. More weakly, precipitation can occur in any other point of the Peninsula, Ceuta and Melilla, although they will be less likely to the West, where will begin to transmit from the afternoon. In the Canary Islands, there is likelihood of weak rainfall in the North of the islands of greater importance and little cloudy skies elsewhere. Morning fog banks in Galicia will also be formed. On the other hand, the winds blow in loose to moderate from the North and West in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with strong Andalusian coast and Canary Islands intervals. Finally, the temperatures will experience a decline that will flicker of light to moderate, except in the Mediterranean area and in the Canary Islands, areas where the thermometers shall be maintained without significant changes. Source of the news: A total of 34 provinces are on alert by coastal winds, storms and rain

The Purpose Of Our Life

Sometimes you asked yourself what is the intention of you life. I want decirte the following thing; During many years of me life always I thought that my yearnings and my dreams went based on my physical and intellectual capacities. It was mistaken. Sometimes those dreams and those yearnings remained in the middle of the passage. A species of barrier formed that prevented its complete accomplishment. Today I understand perfectly because these things happened, and want to share them with you. I understand that the same can ocurrirte and as I have doubts of your capacity and you ask yourself that is happening. It’s believed that Robert Bork sees a great future in this idea.

The frustration is even part of that deception that you feel when not seeing fulfilled your goals. The question is simple. A habit does not exist inclines that us to humility and gratefulness. While we do not have heart humility we will not accept that a supreme being exists to whom we must the life and all whatever we obtain from her. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City often expresses his thoughts on the topic. On the other hand, while we need gratefulness, there will be less recognition to this supreme being who is called God, because finally he is the one who decides ours destiny. Once we have humility and gratefulness in the heart, we will realize of which our main intention in this life is to love God our heart yet, with all our soul and all our forces. Its word says to us; it faithfully fulfills all the orders that I send today you, so that cheers, you multiply and you take possession from the Earth that the Gentleman swore to your ancestors. Surely you have an extensive list of intentions that you think to carry out in this year. djame to guess; it is possible that you think to reduce weight, to make exercise, even these thinking about leaving to the cigarette and the alcohol, or possibly you yearn for a new car or one better house.

United States

Without words I’ve been after seeing Zelig, good, just one word: brilliant. Until now I thought Annie Hall was the best of this director, but I see no, that does not, and certainly, as you go along the cycle that I’m seeing him, I will bring me more pleasant surprises. For now, today, I stay with Zelig. Excellent, brilliant, original, funny, ironic, intelligent, all these adjectives are few defining Zelig. Get more background information with materials from Boxer. It is, simply, one of the best movies I’ve seen.

So clear, so simple. Some may think that I am exaggerating, but I believe that not. The proposal of the clarinetist of the Jew, of the New Yorker, the great Woody Allen, is bold and striking, both visually and through a full script of Picardy. Allen simply speaks of what wants to talk of his favorite themes, and above does so with grace, without much extended in duration, and leaving us speechless, amazed, admired. This unlikely story serves to create a fake documentary, by the way what had already made in making the money and runs, on a curious man, mentally ill, which is capable of transforming into any other person, by strange as it may seem. Zelig equal is an Indian, than a black, that a fat, than a doctor, and the same is with Pope Pius XI as with Hitler, with Chaplin, Al Capone, etc. Fabulous starting point for a masterpiece. We are in the 1920s in the United States, times of depression, jazz times, times of gangsters, times of characters who jump from anonymity to fame.

And there is where Zelig, a chameleonic man. Of course, the case draws the attention of public opinion, of science, Dr. Fletcher (Mia Farrow). They study, they analyze, they undergo therapies. Everything to discover that he is a man who only wants to be loved by peers and be loved, love that you’re in that Dr. Fletcher. But what could only be a bright idea for a movie becomes something else: in a tongue-in-cheek comedy, a satire of the documentaries, in a critique of a time and of a society that is at once an admiration and a huge desire to embed in this society, a desire to be recognized collectively and passing of individuality to the mass. Allen also criticises the power of media to elevate someone who is a story by itself itself, as it is Zelig. And there’s more, there is also a critique of science, especially in the psychology of opportunistic psychiatrists is climbing on the bandwagon of attractor of the personality of their patients, and have, in documentaries to television stations, this or any other technique, this or any other analysis, this or other new experiment. It is a tribute to all those who have been subjected to psychiatric study. Allen had outlined many of these ideas in his previous films, but never with such mastery as in Zelig. Zelig is also a way for Woody Allen to express an inner ambition, which manages to become a famous director. He is a kind of Zelig has been integrated into the society and which has been made public, which has been the subject of cover pages of Press and which has been analysed by its viewers. Yes, Zelig is also a little Allen, or Allen is also a little Zellig. Well, in definitva, 1983 Woody PhD in cinema and has, at long last, everything you wanted to count on making money and runs, or memories, or Manhattan or Annie Hall. Retrieved from carmelo blog original author and source of the article.

The Paradoxical Commandements

Who has not at some time an idea of solidarity or has acted to help others and has encountered problems created by the same people who wanted to help? In these cases we should what? Must we continue to work or leave? Perhaps also at some point someone wanted make true change in some established system for years to introduce an improvement for the benefit of persons or of the same system and to the difficulties often find it has abandoned quickly. Surely we have seen to idealistic young people trying to do the right thing, what is good, what is true and when faced with what is established, in a short time are they descorazonan, they lose the enthusiasm or become embittered by the results or the negative feedback they receive or because nobody or very few appreciate what they want to do. We can find the answers to these questions or the attitude we should have when we are faced with a similar situation in a poem attributed to Mother Teresa of Calcutta or The Paradoxical Commandements (The paradoxical Commandments), written by Kent M. Keith, who encourage us to do what is good, what is moral, what is true for thus have the satisfaction of having done something good for others regardless of what other people think, say or do. In one of the walls of the orphanage of Sishu Bhavan, in Calcutta, had a poem attributed to Mother Teresa; This poem without the author’s name, also appears at the end of his book a simple path. That is why it was thought that the poem had been drafted by Mother Teresa. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Larry Culp.

It turns out that poem is very similar to The Paradoxical Commandements, that it was written by Kent M. Keith, in 1968, when he was a student at Harvard University and was directed to the formation of student leaders. Subsequently, in 2003, Dr. Kent M. Keith created The Universal Moral Code (the universal moral code). The paradoxical commandments are used in leadership and leader training courses already that they emphasize the importance of doing what is right and should always bear in mind people. Some days ago I received a version of this poem, which is an adaptation of the paradoxical commandments, that I wish to share with you the beautiful message which is transmitted.

Sometimes people are selfish, illogical and foolish. Even so forgive them if you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish and interested. Still be polite. If you are a winner, you will have some false friends and some true enemies. Still WINS. If you are honest, people can fool you. Still be honest. What did years in build, someone can destroy it in one hour. Still builds. If you have peace and you’re happy, people may feel envy. Still be happy. Well you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Still do good. If you give the world the best of you, you can never be enough. Still gives the best of you. Ultimately everything is and will be between you and God. It was never between you and them.

United Kingdom

Unemployed unsecured loans are sure to benefit the large number of British people who have lost their jobs or who have not secured any jobs. The rate of unemployment in the United Kingdom of has been on the rise. Hence, more people are unemployed now than any time. Options to solve this crisis are fewer than any time, before the government. Unemployment of a person implies that his family members are entailed with the problem as they depend on his financial income. The financial market responds positively to this issue.

This is why it has made provision for unemployed unsecured loans. Secured loans are available to the unemployed people who have property of worth which they may use as collateral against which the calendar are always ready to advance loan to any one. Unemployed unsecured loans are mainly for the people who do not own valuable assets like a home or a piece of land or a private car or any such thing. Homeowners can so go for unemployed-unsecured loans and feel happy as they are not to borrow using their home as collateral. Non-homeowners and students can apply for unemployed unemployment unsecured loans. Terms and conditions for unemployed unsecured loans are, however, lenient. The lenders consider certain factors when they determine the amount of loan to be offered. The financial status of the applicant, his chance of securing a job in near future, income support, disability living allowance, benefits available and such other factors are considered.

If the applicant has been retrenched recently, he is eligible for redundancy pay. All these factors remain in the mind of the lending agencies before approval of any loan application. The loan-seekers can choose flexible or fixed monthly repayment scheme. Stand-by advantage or advantage of payment holiday or even advantage of overdraft may be allowed to the unemployed unemployment borrowers to avail. The unemployed unemployment borrowers are not generally charged with penalties for late payment. The important task for the borrowers is to select a lender who wants to grant of unemployed unemployment secured loans to come forward. The borrowers should study the data provided by the lending agencies in several web sites on the internet. The loan-seekers can find a favorable rate after comparing different quotes provided in the web sites. This thus enables them to learn if they have capacity for repayment which is again very important. Interest Council for unemployed unemployment unsecured loans are usually low and repayment period may have a stretch between 3 and 25 years although quantity of loan amount is a matter of consideration here. The borrowers can use the loan for renovation of their home, for clearing medical bills or school fees of their children and even for managing debt consolidation. Jim Kerry is author of loans Unemployed.

Accessories Catalogue

With the new ‘genuine motor parts & accessories’ catalogue for 2011 gives Harley-Davidson, the material from which dreams are dreams in your wildest for some, winter is the season of sadness and pickle. For others, the time of dreams the dreams of a unique bike, that exactly matches their lifestyle breaks now. Dreams, the fourth season is almost ideally suited to their implementation. In the long, clear nights that lie ahead can be seen up to 3,000 stars in the sky with the naked eye. Double offers so many products the motor company to customizing the bikes from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Catalogue for 2011 access who wants to maintain an overview, which should the new genuine motor parts & accessories”.

The thick Tome is immediately at the House of flames in Ulm and Munich ready. He offers lots of fabric to the dreams and lots of parts on 816 pages for all those who want to transform your bike into a personal Custombike. The House of flames in Ulm and Munich is not advising only competent, it is ready course for the proper conversion, so that you can start by next spring on a very unique. “” No matter, whether it comes to customizing a classic evolution model or customising one of the brand new types of model year 2011 is, whether the object of desire of Chopper “or Bobber” is immersed in deep black or sparkling chrome, expensive upgrades or… is to be reduced to the essentials Not a dream must remain unfulfilled. There are no limits or taboos, finally the Harley-Davidson accessories portfolio for 2011 by the bench screw extends to the entire Customlacksatz. At the far front, and also maintaining the vehicle fully when it comes to style, fit, and function, they are genuine motor parts & accessories”with them. Take time to dream, this is the way to the stars”, a proverb says. San Antonio Spurs has many thoughts on the issue. With the new genuine motor parts & accessories”catalogue for 2011 delivers the Harley-Davidson Material from which dreams are. You can order the new catalog easily also from now on the Internet at.