Archive for January, 2017


You’ve probably visited some interesting place or you’ve gathered with family and friends during the holidays: keep a memory of these times is important because, although we often used to discover and explore the world that surrounds us, create new links and grow, vacation pass so fast you run risk of forgetting some special moment. Creating a photobook you can save, relive and share memories of your vacation in a tidy and attractive. Below you will find a guide that will show you step by step and so simple how to create your own photobooks of the holidays and best results. The program that we recommend to create your photobooks, in addition to being free, effective and incredibly easy to use, allows you to edit and organize your photos, either digital or old format. You can find it on the Vistaprint website in the section photobooks: Unlike other companies, you don’t need to download or install anything and you can use it with any system operating, the only technical requirement for using this program it is basically have a computer with Internet access. To begin you will have to register as a user on the Vistaprint website by entering your address email, name and password. You can then choose the type of fotolibro you’re interested (there are a variety of options, from albums of Pocket until photobooks of larger size with different types of cover, such as flexible lid, rigid, imitation leather or linen) and distribution of the elements on the pages. You can also choose between a myriad of designs, images and fonts so that you can create a unique photobook. Once you’ve decided which format you want, you will have to select the images you want to include and organize them in the correct order. Although there is not a criterion of absolute about the kind of images and order that we need to put them, what works best is usually choose the better quality photos (with regards to lighting, color and sharpness) that are representative of the moment and bring a memory clear of every moment, and presenting them in chronological order.


Afrodite, the most beautiful seductive of the goddesses, was married Hefesto, the lame god of the fire and ugliest of the immortal ones. It lived in the gardens of the Olimpo, surrounded for the blossomed shrubs of murtas already, with its flowers white (or lightly pink) to contrast with the green-dark one of its leves that, when jammed, they exhaled a soft and pleasant perfume. It was felt, in that place, in the smoke of incenses, it I smell fort of mirra that it burnt. The Aglae Favours (' ' The Brilhante' ' , ' ' The Esplendor' '), Tlia (' ' The Verdejante' ') Eufrosina (' ' Joy of the Alma' '), as always, they made company to the Afrodite that, anxious and burning hot in its wild desires, always wanted to saciar its burning hot and voluptuosas wills. The Afrodite goddess always lands on water the joy and glamour.

Caretaker of the Hefesto worker was never pleased in being the wife, therefore she loved and she was loved by many deuses and mortals. It was unfaithful to the god of the fire, therefore he was in-sa-ci–vel! Traiu Hefesto, over all with Airs, deity of the war, with who had, among others children, Eros (god of the passion and the love), Anteros (god of the order), Fobos, Deimos (personificaes of the fear and the panic) and Harmony (goddess). He also had children of different parents, all fruits of its treasons: Hermaphrodite (god that represents the two sexos), Prapo (god of the fertility), Eneias (warlike troiano favored for deuses), Himineu (god of the marriage) and Adnis (young very pretty who became the symbol of the vegetation that die in the winter and renasce in the spring). Afrodite was consecrated the goddess of the love. It was also symbol of the erotismo, the fertility and the corporal beauty.

The seductive power of this goddess was concentrated in a cinturo became that it irresistible the eyes of men and deuses. Same cinturo was this that one day the Hera goddess asks for to the goddess of the loaned love to enchant Zeus during the War of Troy, favoring the Greeks. The Afrodite name means ' ' Foam of the Mar' ' , therefore, according to Hesodo, it she was the son of the foam of the genital Uranus agencies that had been launched to the sea for Cronos, the god of the Time. Already, according to Homero, Afrodite was son of Zeus and Dione (goddess of the nymphs and also Uranus son). Persfone was its main rival, as much for the dispute for Adnis how much in what it said respect to the who most beautiful age of the Olimpo. Afrodite did not admit that none another woman if compared it in the question beauty, punishing (only the mortals) if atrevessem to compare the beauty that possuam with its. Examples of this had been Psiqu and Andrmeda, severely punished for the vain person goddess.