Archive for August, 2013

The Real Science Of Getting Rich

Getting rich is a matter of science, not luck. Get rich follows a line sketched on certain steps necessary to achieve that goal. If you follow these steps, it is certain that it will become a rich person millionaire. Regardless of the amount of wealth you want, if you follow these steps, the wealth will be their prize do are these steps? What are the steps that you must take to reach the wealth? These steps are simple and are shown below, without much detail, by space limitations: 1. you must know exactly what you want: before you get something, it is necessary that you know exactly what you want.

Although it seems that this is easy, since most people say that they wish to happiness, wealth, success, power, etc. The truth is that these things are too general. And the words do not mean the same for all people. Success is a word too open. What does success mean to you? Before deciding that you get something, it is necessary that soon discover in really want to. In the book the secret of the power of the goals, the author presents a detailed method to define your desire with amazing clarity. That clarity would provide a new power to get what they want.

2. You must build goals for what they want: build goals is not only to write them on a paper and say that this is what you want. Building goals is knowing exactly what you want and communicate it to your subconscious mind. This communication should be done so that your mind knows clearly what you want. This implies carried his mind clear pictures of what you want, and internalize them so that your mind will impress deeply and positively. This is an essential step and if people do not achieve what they want is because they failed in this process. To impress his mind it is necessary that you follow an orderly process. In the secret of the power of the goals, the author presents truly powerful methods to achieve that your mind will serve what you want and bring it quickly. When you achieve that your mind will serve what you want, then your mind will bring everything you want everything. 3. You must evolve in their desires: to you get something, then can aspire to something better. Every wish should take it to another desire. If you follow the evolutionary path, then everything they get will be better than the previous. You will notice that things appear more quickly and easily in your life. You will fill a full power to determine their own destiny. Success, wealth, happiness will be natural in you. Although all persons should evolve in their desires, this is not always the case. This is due to that many people do not feel able to get what they want. People do not know their power, don’t understand that they are the creators of their lives. If you want to know the truth about his real power you must read the book I am happy, I am rich, Andrew Corentt. This book presents a wide of yourself and your power perspective. To read it you will know that you can get anything they want. If you follow these steps, then wealth appears automatically in your life. Do your homework, read the books, use subliminal videos, use software, use audios and his life full of prosperity, success and happiness. Original author and source of the article.

The Quality

Do something for other people can be translated in different ways, for example, give things, providing toys, give time to listen and respond to another Member of the family, greet, forgive. You will notice a generous attitude in a person who strives to make life pleasant for other members of the family. Respect: respect towards the other members is another of the values that are fostered within the family, not only respect for the same person, but also to their opinions and feelings. Respect for things of other members, respect your privacy, respect for its decisions, these, of course, appropriate to the age of the person. It is in the family where the child learns that both he or she and her ideas and feelings deserve respect and are valued. Justice: justice is encouraged in the bosom of the family to settle which corresponds to each Member of the same. Let us remember that Justice consists in giving each one their part.

A person who is constantly striving to respect the rights of others and give each what they should, is the virtue of justice. Responsibility: the responsibility is to assume the consequences of acts themselves, not only to oneself but to others. So a person can be responsible for it must be aware of their duties and obligations, is therefore of great importance that children have very clear obligations and their responsibilities. For example, child must be clear that it is his responsibility the quality and effort in their studies, which is the biggest be put work and effort in this activity, self-serving and in response to the opportunity afforded by his parents. The development of responsibility in children is part of the educational process, this with a view to the participation of children in family life first, and to life in society then, in a responsible and autonomous manner.


Diagnosis of dependency should be only if 3 or more of the following criteria in some period last year are: 1) an intense desire or sense of compulsive intake of alcohol.2) subjective awareness of a disturbance in the ability to control of alcohol, in terms of start, termination, or levels of use of the bebida.3) alcohol use in order to reduce or suppress withdrawal symptoms and with full knowledge of the ((((effectiveness of such estrategia.4) 5 States of physiological withdrawal (withdrawal symptoms)) evidence of tolerance (greater consumption for the same effect) 6) a reduction of the personal repertoire (academic, industrial activities) in relation to the use of the alcohol.7) progressive change of pleasurable activities or personal interests in favour of the use of the bebida.8) persistence in the use of alcohol, despite clear evidence of the flagrant use (medical adverse consequences harmful consequencessocial, labour or psychological). Get a correct evaluation of “Alcoholism”, should not pursue the sole purpose of extracting more and more information about subjects, for with her label them. But, to use the collected data to fix intervention on that person, in that way any plan, program or project that is planned and in which the target population are persons with these characteristics, the assessment will allow us to adapt actions to each case.We do not understand the assessment as a point made, but as a job that should be continuous and processual. I.e., use the evaluation at different times of the actions (before, during and after). The tools used in the evaluation of alcoholism can be classified into two categories:-detection or screening questionnaires.

Its purpose is the early identification of cases. They are useful in clinical practice and research. -Diagnostic questionnaires. Its objective is the confirmation of the disease and evaluation of intensity and involvement on the subject. It has not included in this section but we want to mention the appearance in the pharmaceutical market of test strips that using color changes and analyzed the same intensity, detect if the person that is used, has recently consumed alcohol. Prevention of alcoholism original author and source of the article.

Ica Flowers

NOT finished my flowers my flowers you not end up, not cease my chants. I cantor elevate them, they divide, they spread. Even when the flowers wither and amarillecen, they will be beyond carried inside the home of the bird’s feathers of gold. Rejoice Ica xon ahuiyacan ihuinti xochitli, tomac peanut. MA on you already aquiloto xochicozquitl. In toquiappancaxochiuh, celia xochitli, cueponia xochitli tla. Oncan nemi tototl, chachalaca, tlatohua, on quimatli teotl ichan hual. Zaniyo in toxochiuh ica tonahuiyacan.

In cuicatl ica on pupulihui in amotlaocol Zaniyo. In tepilhuan ica yehua, amelel on maybe. Quiyocoya in Aztec, qui already hual temohuiya moyocoyatzin, in ayahuailo xochitli, ica yehua amelel on maybe. Rejoice with the flowers that drunk which are in our hands. That are already placed necklaces of flowers.

Our time of rain, fragrant flowers, flowers already open their Corollas. There goes the bird, chatters and sings, he comes to know the God’s House. only with our flowers we are pleased. only with our singing perishes our sadness. Oh gentlemen, with this, your disgust is it dissipates. The giver of life invents them, has made them descend the inventor himself, pleasant flowers, this your anger dissipates Netzahualcoyotl with flowers ESCRIBES flowering write, giver of life, with edges give color, with edges shadows that have to live on Earth. Then destroy to Eagles and tigers, only in your book of paintings live, here on Earth. With black ink erases what was the brotherhood, the community, the nobility. You shadows that have to live on Earth Netzahualcoyotl Yo, NETZAHUALCoYOTL, LO wonder I Netzahualcoyotl ask does anything of really live with root on Earth? Not forever on Earth: just a little bit here. Even jade breaks, even if gold breaks, even feathers of quetzal is torn. Not forever in the Earth: only a little here. ARE YOU REAL? You true you have root? Only who dominates all things, the giver of life.

The Development

Therefore he teaches to overcome limitations than our logical mind we impose and put us in the realm of intuition, faculty that it does not depend on our intellect, but of the development of consciousness. The fundamental idea of the Zen is the possibility of contact with those forces or energies located in the depths of one’s own, because all authority, all wisdom and all the value of the Zen comes from our interior. Zen by itself doesn’t teach anything, does not have any God to worship, do not have any ceremonial rite, does not promise no future in more beyond. However is considered one of the roads or pathways of liberation. As the old masters used to say, zen is this, here, now to get closer to Zen is to be found where really lies within ourselves. An experience, a personal experience, an interior State is which is reached via the way of silence.

What is silence? If you are looking for a contact with This zen state must know how to be quiet not only externally, but cultivate the inner silence. If we are full of concepts, ideas, projects, desires, memories, etc. and live with this psychic ballast, find it very difficult to access the silent level of our psyche. Mute status is clearly different information which is addressed to the intellectual center and one that does not correspond to the mind. The mute status is intact and unlimited, since we really communicate with the environment and we learn to hear.

The level we normally live is superficiality, opinions, ideas, and judgments. There is no space within ourselves to something new. We have the habit of thinking within dualism. If we transcend this situation and put us in the internal state that is beyond the common logic of intellect, we are approaching the zen. Silence is the internal state that is beyond thought, in which there are no concepts, but also judgments, criticism, ideas or mechanical reactions, and if the There, us not drag behind them.

Nicolai Rimsky Korsakov

Igor Stravinsky, was born in Oraniembaum, Russia, on June 17, 1882. He died in New York on April 6, 1971. There are many that have been considered the great musician, Igor Stravinsky, is the Supreme composer of the last century. About his life, he has written fairly and said that an impersonator, was never since everything seems to indicate that you absorbed, with utmost eagerness, the influence of those who surrounded it; Thus commented that, perhaps, the largest and most successful of them, is the employer of the company of the Russian Ballet, as it was back then Sergio Diaghilev. Precisely with regard to the latter, has been written, that it was not an extraordinary creator in the strict sense of the word; However, Diaghilev, yes helped him to develop his musical talent.

When they met, yet Stravinsky was too young, and was under the teaching of his master Nicolai Rimsky Korsakov. We must also remember, that he had been initiated into music by his father, who was a baritone and favorite interpreter of the operas, as it was fantastic and great musician Peter Tschakowsky. All then seemed to indicate that yes he had influence of the generation of the previous musicians, thus, as since then, his teacher Alexander Scriabin and some French Impressionists, as Munoz points out in one of his writings. But how is the bird of fire, goal of our article born? Simply, by a request of Diaghilev. And where Stravinsky, began to write the score, in Petersburgo, during a winter of the year 1909, ending in May of the following year. There is the precedent that was executed for the first time on June 25, 1910 in the famous Paris Opera. So Stravinsky became famous overnight overnight. Is this beautiful ballet based in that? In one of the many Russian legends about the young Ivan Zarevich.