Archive for June, 2012

The House

It does not matter what software you use, or if it is Mac or PC, no other system is going to you to offer as much versatility to a so low cost. 5. But usala to only record Although this suppose to invest a little more than money, the computer that you use as DAW in your home studio must remain free, without no other software, and especially, without connecting itself to Internet. Internet is the access door to many virus and headaches, and by more anti-virus and protections than you use, always fits the possibility of becoming infected, so, why to run the risk? In addition, all the applications that uss for protegerte when sailing by Internet, in the long run the unique thing that obtains is to make all the equipment slower, to clear performance to him and until space of rigid. So, that is clear: a computer to record and to mix music, and other to sail by Internet, to use it of office, to play, etc. Ah! And asegurate to tighten Save every 10 minutes. 6.

All the house can be your study In the homemade studies, not only the room and the control counts as the study. Absolutely all the house can be a perfect lease to record. Perhaps placing a microphone in the shower you obtain an incredible reverberation, perhaps the dining room teng a much more alive sound to capture a guitar Everything is question to cross, to prove, to record and to amuse themselves. If you need aid to publish with Soundforge or pluggins you do not doubt in contacting to me Original author and source of article


Plagues and diseases: The camellia is a plant prone to the attack of different plagues like cochineals, pulgones, worms by the roots, larvae of escarabajos, small spiders, or acaruses of the leaves, among others. Also usually it is seen affected by diverse types of fungi. Other alterations of the plant like the fall premature of the pimpollos it can be produced by defects in the subscriber, a too sunny exhibition, or excess or lack of irrigation. Another symptom very characteristic of the camellias is chlorosis or I yellow of the leaves product of the lack generally of iron or some other nutritious element of the ground. Properties: The originating oil of its seeds dehydrates very little and retains the humidity; therefore, it was used like conditioner of the hair and in the treatments of the skin, to prevent the harshness. Their excellent properties antioxidants make ideal to cook. Of its seeds an oil is extracted that use the Japaneses to dye their hair.

The obtained coal of the wood of the camellia is considered highly combustible, providing a moderate heat, long play and without sparks. the ashes of the wood of this plant were used like catalyst for mulberry dyes and of crtamo. Because the wood of the camellia not only is hard and solid, but also heavy, viscous and shining, she was very used like raw material in the manufacture of tools and other utensils like plates, cups, combs, like for the elaboration of crafts. . Nowadays, the ornamental quality of the florescence of the camellia highly is valued and the hibridization of the same has become very popular between the horticulturists, in an eagerness to create new varieties with greater and beautiful flowers In the site Coast brief Gardens podra to listen to podcast on the history of this shrub and another one on some curiosities. Is not lost it Original author and source of the article