Young Guard
But the appetite, as known, comes with eating. Recall the steps AA Fadeev event "Young Guard" when issuing an underground organization Eug. Stakhovich could not escape from the Nazis alive: every day he was tortured, finding the address for the address attendance for attendance, for underground underground worker. What, you think, then it was taken into Germany – to drink beer and live under the changed name? Yeah, of course. "After high school, I never see those bastards!" – Informs Caspar Yosep, absorbed in his character has a passion for obedience. Army, the work of all the pension fund and so on – that there is a sweet child, too, does not meet the "bastards" and "bastards" do not meet with him – with the "Freier" and "lohom" in their concept? What the religious idiocy that meets the needs of sadists on one piece of land that will no longer meet the sadistic, yet more sophisticated, in another place? Is sadism eats only one sadistic desire? No, it eats at the same time and indulgence of their victims! Words will Caspar, "I will not die," spoken to them at the end of the film, clearly indicate that he – "king of the hill" – the enemy took the rules and decided to play on them. That's the whole philosophy of non-soprotivlencheskogo.
Or – neprotivlencheskogo resistance. How someone like that. Scary Scary ON So, what teaches film "The Class"? The fact that "the guys all did the right thing?", Or to that the actions of the main characters (not made an attempt to understand their surrounding community as a whole, but focused initially on the survival, and then – on-site) from the beginning were wrong, which led eventually to such a sad consequences? By the way, was a domestic film based on the novel by Vladimir Tendryakova "Not to the court" – "Someone Else's kin" (1955). The plot was that the protagonist, a Komsomol member, could not cope with their parents his wife – Stepanida are increasingly identified in the last lines of her parents – older individual farmers, the whole meaning of life are bringing to the accumulation of wealth. The story ends well for a young family: Stepanida goodbye to the old way of life – with the trunks stuffed with rags, and with people, erodes petty philosophy, parents are acquired by the whole good, but without her daughter and respect of society for them. You would think that we were distracted? Niskolechko! We are talking about the same: the meaning of life their parents, their children and society as a whole. So my idea is simple: do not wait for the arrival of communism, when you suddenly (!) Could be a pious and affectionate – act now, because in order to boiled water, it is necessary to inform each of its energy to the molecule, and to the society began to others, others should be ourselves. Alex CHROME September 23 – November 3, 2008
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