Population Project
Which its estimate for the value of the schedule charged for the exhibition of an advertising during this program? The money collected for the commercial ones normally is the sufficient to not only cover all the expenses with equipment, as, also it is the sufficient to have a small edge of profit. If not forgetting the almost worthy image of canonization that in charge sender project starts it to have for the eyes of the children who help and that is helped, these that, in turn, teaches and educates its friends and, later its children, to believe the same, becoming everything a vicious cycle. astros of the cinema and television in charge presenting and making quaint pictures pra to attract the attention I publish of it? I publish together with it, the donations? also they do not help as they could. Opposite to use its enormous one influences on the masses to acquire knowledge the population of ' ' why ' ' of the devoid people to continue devoid. Not, you say them to all that they leave the mouth of these said ' ' celebridades' ' they have the intention of alavancar the project ' ' beneficente' ' produced for the sender whom it withholds of its working contracts.
By hours and hours, people are shown who had been and that they go to be helped by the project, celebrities making madnesses to call the attention and sponsors spending ' ' grandes' ' amounts with intention to help criancinhas? e, some times, to make one merchandise? , but nor an only minute is dedicated to remember the population of that they only are there, at that accurate moment, donating, spending more money beyond what he is paid in taxes, why the representative I publish that the proper contributor, giver, fool and etc. placed in the power are incapable to take care of of all the population. why they would have to make this after all? The population if feels useful, people if they feel happy donating; the responsible sender gains hearing, humanitarian fame e, some times, ones changed; politicians have its reduced administrative obligations; all the money that is collected in taxes, whose destination would have to be a project I publish of development and social assistance goes to stop in some place. Moral of history: devoid children with the eyes shining asking for aid are better in collecting money that somebody saying the truth.
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