Buch People

An author competition on the theme of “Africa and fair trade” fair week takes place every year in Germany, to highlight various action on fair trade. But what is fair trade? Fair trade”should enable people in developing countries, to find a way out of the poverty and the lack. Order to be defined as fair trade, certain rules must be kept up. These rules for fair trade by the non-profit association TransFair e.V. are set in Germany, which controls the compliance with these rules. Fair trade not only means that people in Africa for their products get higher and guaranteed fixed prices. In addition, they are supported in the training and development of their own management skills.

Fair trade to a genuine partnership for development “for the benefit of poor people in developing countries. Africa Buch.de fair trade with people in developing countries is even imported no goods from developing countries right not possible for us. However, we want to us in our context of fair week participate in and draw attention to fair trade. Therefore we refrain from over 30,-euro until September 30, 2008 for orders shipping costs. Also, we set an author competition on the theme of Africa and fair trade”from. Participate with own text. Learn more

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