Foreground Renewable

Large buildings are the focus of 2012 – 31 March 29, 2012 the REECO GmbH for the 6th time organized by the CEP ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE in the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre CLEAN. The international trade fair with Congress has established after five years as the leading trade fair for renewable energy and passive house far beyond the addition of Baden-Wurttemberg. Thanks to the unique combination of the areas of renewable energy and passive house has developed the CEP as an industry meeting place of international standing and is one of the most important trade fairs in Europe. We are energy-efficient construction and passive houses further expand our strengths in the area”, the responsible project manager, Sandra Bayer Teixeira points out next year especially with views of big buildings.” With the extension of the focus on this area should more important target groups, how facility managers are addressed. The current debate about nuclear power and energy transition intelligent solutions for a sustainable and decentralized power supply as well as energy efficiency move more and more in the Foreground.

Especially in the area of energy efficient building and renovation to the self-sufficient House is an enormous potential. The CEP satisfies more than these current market developments through your registration. Innovative products and solutions, as well as the latest information in science and research, make the trade fair with the connected conferences combined with practical examples to the optimal platform. Overlooking the new Red Green State Government, the topic will further highlight renewable energies in Baden-Wurttemberg in the foreground. An outstanding goal is to advance the energy revolution in Baden-Wurttemberg and to make the country the leading energy and climate protection region. In this context even clearer impetus will come from the CEP than in past years.

We may be curious, which will participate in the implementation in the rural actors of the renewable energy and energy efficiency. We expect a double digit growth in the coming year”, Gunter Armbruster, sales manager of REECO GmbH hopes. Already 2011 the CEP could one Record number of exhibitors list: 237 exhibitors offered innovative products, technologies and services to approximately 10,000 visitors. The topics ranged solar technologies of energy advice to promote and finance, biomass and cogeneration, energy-efficient construction and renovation to green mobility, heat pumps, wind and hydroelectric power. “Also 1,317 participants on the 13 accompanying congresses informed passive house themselves and others in practice” and 3rd International Symposium solar and renewable cooling “. Both events are being developed in the next year and continued. At Glenn Dubin, New York City you will find additional information. The CEP has arrived in the market and has established itself as an integral part of the energy and construction scene”, Sandra Bayer Teixeira points out.

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