Ukraine Languages

The most important feature of a world language is the number of its speakers as mother tongue or as a foreign language. The world’s most spoken languages are Mandarin, English, Spanish, Hindi and Russian. English and Spanish at the same time also represent the languages most often learned the world. Hundreds of millions of people daily use the English language not only as official or language but also in the field of research and in all areas of expertise. English represents not only the native language in the United States, England and Australia, but also in numerous South African regions of Africa, in Hong Kong or India, this language often encounters. This is in addition to the English language Spanish idiom today world language. At the United Nations, the European Union and the Organization of American States, Spanish is used as official language. This idiom from the branch of the Indo-European languages is currently behrrscht of about four hundred million people as their mother tongue, and by nearly 70 million as a second language.

Spanish daily applied not only in Spain, but also in Morocco, in South and Central America, on Tobago, Trinidad, and in the Philippines or the Netherlands Antilles by a large proportion of the population. Two exotic languages, Hindi and Mandarin the Hindi is the official language, as well as the most used lingua franca in India and represents the native language of more than two hundred million and the second language by more than half a billion people. It is used mainly in the regions of Northern and central India and is very similar to the also in India spoken Urdu. The Mandarin or the northern Chinese language spoken in China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore and is today identified with the standard Chinese (the many different nationalities living in China speak almost all different Chinese languages). Russian, the fifth language in the world to the most spoken languages in the world, also is one of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language group, with Ukrainian and Belarusian closely related Russian language. Over 160 million people speak Russian as their mother tongue, and about 70 million use it daily as a second language. The majority of Russian-speaking people living in Russia also in the Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Baltic States. Today the importance of the Russian language – thanks to conquered again economic recovery in Russia – in the financial sector, as well as in the tourism and trade sectors has increased significantly.

Approximately three million Russian speakers live in the Federal Republic of Germany according to the latest estimates. 10Th the German language, however, is for the German language on the tenth of the spoken languages. More than one hundred million people worldwide speak German as their mother tongue and almost two hundred million master it. Also Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol, East Belgium, Lorraine Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and some zones of Namibia include the German-speaking countries except Germany.

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